Friday, November 16, 2007

Trivial, Useless, Arrogant and Stupid

By all accounts and by short watching replays myself – the CNN debate was either okay or just god-awful. The major difference being the types of questions the general public asked and what the talking heads asked. Audience questions dealt with their lives – the Talking Head questions were attempted verbal traps or gibberish like “drivers license’s to illegal aliens yes or no?” which isn’t even something a president can or should be doing anything about – the states handle drivers licenses.

It’s worse than awful – it’s just insane - this is the best they can come up with? Are they so out of touch with everyday life?

Probably. Most people in the village are.

Somebody explain to me how Tim Russert has a tv show? Really.

I notice that all the Dalek – sorry GOP party candidates for president are running on the “Hillary is a bad president and to blame for everything that has gone wrong” platform – which is a bit weird since I thought someone named George was president and he was a republican. But I understand little of what goes on in the village.

The disconnect between what the Village thinks and the rest of country is simply breathtaking. The country as a whole thinks W if a fool and incompetent twit, the Village still think he’s a good guy to have a beer with. By and large America likes the idea of Universal Heath Care, Gun Control, getting the hell out of Iraq, and Social Security – the village hates all of these things.

The village hates us and fears us, they view us as the great unwashed – who’s views are to be cited and/ or manipulated if they match those of the Village ignored if not.

Well Beowulf opened to day – we’ll see – it looks interesting but ya never know with this kind of film and they’ve already done several versions of Beowulf – all of which stunk so I’m not too hopeful about this one.

Sorry for the short post busy today.

Bonds has been indicted – one of the charges, if I read what they are writing correctly is that he lied to a grand jury about taking steroids – the upshot being the feds have a test he did that was positive for steroids while he kept saying no. I mean this should not come as a surprise yes?

A-Rod has apparently decided he wants now to stay on the Yankees – for less that $350 million but for a lot of cash nonetheless. None of the Yankee fans I know seem that delighted with the news. The most positive I got was ‘they would have missed his bat next year”. I think he’s going to have visit every house and apartment building in New York and ask if there are any Yankee fans at home and then apologize personally to each of them for being such a dick. It won’t solve everything but it’ll be a start.
Diana Rigg, it's been a while.
Peace, Love, Shonen Knife


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