Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Rushed and Insane

A Different Kind of Bomb

Okay – no time today end of month end of year and all that still some quick thoughts.

The National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) that just came out saying Iran stopped their bomb program in 2003 has made everybody that was pushing for bombing Iran look like they have just been sprayed by a skunk. Look at the President in the pictures from the god awful news conference he just had – that’s a man who keeps getting sprayed in the face with skunk juice.

One Neo-con has all but accused the CIA of being in cahoots with the terrorists.

Anyway W said something to the effect in his news conference that he just saw this NIE ‘last week’.


The report is months old – why didn’t he get to see it? Too Busy or just a case of what he doesn’t want to see he doesn’t. (which I think is more likely )– who’d want to give this news to this president?

What they are saying to day is that Iran knows how to make a nuclear weapon – which makes that them dangerous – not as dangerous as a pack of rabid wolves running down the street chasing you but still dangerous.

Because they know how to make the bomb. And they might start to try again.


Who the hell doesn’t Know how, at least under broad circumstances how to make an A bomb. It’s the specifics that get tricky – which is why rogue scientists are so dangerous.

Anyway just saying Iran is Dangerous – which he said about 11 times doesn’t make them MORE dangerous than other states – Pakistan (which HAS nukes) makes me very very nervous for example.

But no nuke less Iran tops the danger list - which does boggle the mind just a bit – a country with the economy the size of Finland with NO NUKES is the most dangerous country in the world. It’s pretty insane.

But that’s the way they roll these days – I suspect that W has a cork at the end of his fork so he won’t hurt himself (al la Steve Martin here).

As I said no real time.

Band stuff tomorrow.

Peace Love Dirty Rotten Scoundrels


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