Wednesday, November 28, 2007

meetings and Mitt and not much else

Well not quite but we have the year end wrap up and going forward stuff being talked about here today.

Meantime in a kind of No Irish need apply moment – Mitt Romney the utterly calculating talking head candidate from Utah running on a record of being a governor of a state that hated me is reported to have said that he would not consider a Moslem for a cabinet post because there aren’t enough Muslims in the U.S.

Or something like that – Mitt has now denied he ever said anything like that but several people are saying yes he did say this - and more than once.

It’s breathtakingly moronic to go off like this – which is why I think he did say this – he’s a creature of calculation and his mind would reason like that “how many votes does this get me? Not enough – get a Hispanic for the job”. I remember back in the early days of the former attorney general Albert Gonzales disastrous tenure the White House tried to make out that any criticism of Al was motivated by prejudice – although what part of “incompetent asskissing toady” is a slur on Hispanics is hard to see.

It’s the kind of gibberish thinking that made Mike and the Mad Dog try to stir up trouble in 2006 about maybe the Mets had too many Hispanic ball players before the season opened. Frankly if the Mets can win the World Series I don’t care if the entire team consists of gay pink Martians.

I also seem to remember that there is a provision that no religious test is necessary for holding office in the United States government – again showing just how off the damn rails this country has become.

Sorry for the short bog but it’s been one of those days.

We look to be maybe involved in some sort of band battle contest – let you know how that works.

More tomorrow.

Peace Love Meetings


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