Tuesday, August 14, 2007

If it keeps on raining levee’s gonna break.

Going to be short – stuff to do.

Was listening to Dylan’s most recent album (Modern Times) this morning – still haven’t quite made my mind up about it, he seems to be just stringing words together pretty much at random and singing them. It’s interesting but I’m not sure it quite deserves the critical swooning this one has gotten. Anyway one of the songs is “the Levee’s gonna break’ a play on the Memphis Minnie Song covered (without credit mind you) by Led Zeppelin Side note: I remember reading a contemporary review of Led Zeppelin IV that dismissed “Stairway to Heaven” as trivial hippy poop and said that the HUGE song from the album would be the Levee song – critics don’t know everything yes? End Side note.

Okay the whole thing is that with the total mess in Iraq (Turkey and the Kurds, the wearing down of the army, the collapse of our chose Iraqi government, the continuing violence et al,), The collapse of the Housing Market (with it’s very very bad implications for the rest of economy), the saber rattling with Iran, the rising nativst fear of the ‘brown people’, the ugly state of every damn department in Washington (and the up coming fights over testimony and the possible impeachment of Gonzales), the lead and other poisons that keep getting into the United Sates cause things are cheaper to make in china, the strange and weird longing of the right wing religious right for Armageddon, you just the get sense that something is going to break big time. Something is just going to blow up in our faces and it’s going start whacking down all the other dominos out there.

Nothing I can really put my finger on, just a sense of something big and bad is on its way.

They are touting the PPI gain in the ‘core’ inflation of only 0.1% for July. However boys and girls that excludes prices for things like food and gas. And what do people spend most of their money on (aside from shelter) yep Food and Energy prices. The whole idea of ‘core’ inflation is a bit of a con started in the 70’s to try and a) make people less hysterical about rising prices and b) justify not increasing wages enough to match inflation.

An example of how my head words - Georges Cuvier the French Naturalist of the early 19th Century (he died in 1832) in addition to introducing the idea of extinction was the supreme exponent of the idea of Catastrophism – the idea that a series of disasters destroyed life on earth which then was restored in different forms (the exact mechanism of replacement was somewhat fuzzy). While he came to believe that the earth was indeed millions of years old he did not hold with the deep time ideas of geology or indeed of the evolutionary process itself.

Now Darwin, working later in the 19th century and English, used uniformitarianism as his basic understanding of the method, (uniformitarianism is the idea that the processes going on right now in nature are the same as they always were and have been going on for a long long time) to explain his idea of the gradual change of one species to another over vast amounts of time.

To my mind part of this could be explained by personal experience, Cuvier lived through the French Revolution, the overthrow on the Monarchy, the rise of Napoleon and the fall of Napoleon, the Restoration of the Bourbons and the July Revolution of 1830 – the idea of sudden and violent changes would be a natural to him, whereas Charles Darwin scion of a well to do doctor in Shrewsbury experienced nothing like those earthquakes of the social order – personal losses and the like but not revolutions in the social order so Darwin being at heart a good English Squire at heart distrusted the idea of sudden change and went with the idea of slow gradual change.

Possible? Maybe. Likely? Who Knows?

Well that’s how my mind works – that and coming up with sick song lines like “I killed my boyfriend for you”. I don’t know if that will work but it popped into my mind while I was day dreaming and I wrote it down.

Off to get stuff done.

Peace Love Fossils.


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