Monday, August 13, 2007

Karl, Ring, Flash Gordon

1. King rat leaves the ship.

The news has just shot through the web and the airwaves that Karl Rove the man known as Bush’s Brain and other even more insulting terms is leaving the White House to “spend more time with his family” a comment that has raised eyebrows all over the blogsphere and even in the normally somnambulant Main Stream Media. The phrase “spend more time with family” is a well known Washington euphemism for “fired or told to resign”.

They are all saying it has nothing to do with the several subpoenas he has refused to respond to or the other investigations fluttering over the heads of the W, Gonzales and the whole crew not a thing.

Meantime the Italian government claims it has uncovered a weapons smuggling ring linking the mob and the Iraqi government. I don’t really know what it means but it can’t be good.

There will be many eyes watching the Stock Market this week. We are assured that nothing bad will happen – the people doing this assurance don’t know any better than we do what will happen – it is however part of the job of the serious and important financial people to say things will be okay and will continue to be okay. We’ll see. I heard a silly piece on the radio this morning that said that the collapse of the sub-prime mortgage market wouldn’t affect small stock holders since they don’t usually invest in the kinds of firms that deal with these kinds of interments.

Like oh, banks.

I mean come on – why the hell else is the fed pouring money into the banking system? Jesus I am so tired of spin.

One of the things that mark a real bear market is that the weekend makes things worse. People look at the week just past and come to the conclusion that it’s time to go.

2. Anyway Ring of Terror.

There was no reason for this movie to be a movie – there isn’t’ enough plot to sustain an old tales of the darkside ½ hour show.

The story such as it is, is a med student seemingly fearless, is forced to confront his secret fear (being in the dark with a corpse from a child hood trauma) and when he does he drops dead. And with that the movie ends.

Since there isn’t much that happens most of the film is padding. The students go to the cafeteria – which is supposed to be the hot spot with a live band (the “Campus Cool Kats’) who manage to get a great trumpet sound out of their saxophones.

Now music is kind of important to me – actually in my case it’s like saying oxygen is important to me and that kind of thing just drives me crazy. I sitting there (the song is lame as hell by the by) and at first the band isn’t even playing their saxophones – then one of the actors deigns to put the horn in his mouth and we get a trumpet solo. God did they think we are that stupid?

Actually they really didn’t care – this was so couples had an excuse to go to the movies and neck. It didn’t matter really what was on the screen as long as there was something.

Bad B movies – another casualty of the sexual revolution.

Back to the film – in addition to the lame music – guys this was filmed in the late 50’s – swing jazz wasn’t what people listened to especially kids in college (although all the actors are way way too old to be in college – the Male lead was 40 when he did this.) guys you know – Chuck Berry? Elvis? Little Richard? Buddy Holly? Rock and Roll? Guys? In addition to the lame music the film does give an interesting insight into contemporary views on gender roles as viewed by a hack 50’s filmmaker.

The women are all looking to get married – they seem to be at the dorm in campus but none of them mention a class or what they are taking. Their entire conversations consist of talking about ‘the boys’ (again you snort soda through your nose as you consider the age of the male actors) and getting all petulant when the ‘boys’ have to leave them at the dance because they have to go to an autopsy of a john doe (part of their class work you see) – but silly women don’t get that, they are too just to silly to understand that men need to get high paying jobs and take are of them , silly silly women. I’m a guy and I wanted to throw something at the screen.

There is also some painful comic relief (from what we need the comic relief I can’t say but there it sits like a heavy weight on your head) from an overweight couple “ha ha! Fat people eating! Ha! It’s Funny! They put sugar substitute tables in the coffee after eating cake and drinking four sodas Ha Ha! Then later when it looks like they are making out Ha Ha! Fat People making out! It turns out they both eating the same sandwich – because fat people like to eat! Ha! Ha! Please kill me. Please Kill me now if you have the slightest humanity killll meeeeeee.!

The last part of the film is a barbeque where the freshman are given their final hazing – one poor bastard has to dress up like cupid - never got the whole frat thing, life is humiliating enough, or at least so I’ve discovered, and I’m not really keen on joining an organization that insists on humiliating you in order to join it. No thanks.

In the end the male lead has to take a ring (the ring of terror yes the movie makes sense – no it doesn’t) off the hand of dead person in the holding morgue or the local cemetery. This is actually called grave robbing and gets you tossed into prison. But the Male Lead to prove he is brave does it anyway – and manages to lose or drop his flashlight and then a sound (it’s a cat shown earlier don’t ask) screeches and somehow the corpse’s hand (with the RING OF TERROR) on it grabs at the Male lead – who drops dead (we assume of a heart attack – well it can happen in your early 40’s). And that’s it. there is a epilogue of sorts but nothing going back to the students or how his death affects them – and listen somebody dropping dead as part of a fraternity prank is kind of a big deal you would think – opportunity for real drama and all that but why have that now since we there wasn’t any the whole damn picture.

There goes another 76 minutes of my life I could have been doing something else. Why I keep asking why?

3. TV show: Flash Gordon –

The Sci-fi channel has decided to update – like they did with Battlestar Glactica an old sci fi series. This time they went way way back to the 30’s to do Flash Gordon – (or the 80’s with that silly film – they are using the Queen theme song). Over all, despite the fact I made fun of the show from time to time – over all I thought it was pretty good. There was no way they were going to even try to emulate the look of the old serial – which was the 80’s movie’s problem – but I’d have liked Ming to be a bit more, well merciless (It’s tough with Charles Middleton’s Iconic role as Ming in the serial. But Ming comes off a bit more like a tightly wound neurotic clerk than the evil master of the universe – still props to him for the bathe her and send her to my quarters line upon meeting Dale). And I’d have liked Princess Aura to be well a little more dangerous. In the serials she was as dangerous as a cobra and about as predictable – she came off more as a spoiled brat princess – not someone even Ming was careful around.

Still the cast was pretty good – the women showed enough cleavage to keep attention up when the plot sagged and hell they have time so we’ll see what happens.

Peace Love Defender of the Universe



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