Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Scooter Adieu

Phil Ruzzito died yesterday, the papers have picture and as expected the air waves are full of tributes and what not. I’m not sure if this makes two or three cause I don’t know if Mary Astor who also died counts or not. We’ll have to get the decision from the judges later.

I always find the ‘Celebrity deaths come in threes’ amusing. Simply because if you wait long enough after one celb dies – two more are bound to pop off sooner or later.

You wonder what people would say if a bus full of celebrities went over a cliff – but the number wasn’t divisible by three, would people be saying well two more are coming? You wonder these things as you wait for the coffee.

Speaking of Merv Griffin – was I speaking of him well never mind – anyway I was honestly surprised to learn he was gay – but I’m clueless about such things – it took me years to learn what was the deal with the village people – I mean, no I didn’t realize they were gay and dressed as gay stereotypes – honestly . I was extremely naïve back in the day. YMCA just flew right over my head. I didn’t like the song because it was disco and back then disco made my teeth hurt. (I don’t hate it so much anymore, I just don’t like it that much) so the news about Merv was interesting, considering here was a closeted gay man good friend of the Reagans and such. Who as Aids was ravaging the gay community said nothing at all.

I suspect that when the right talks about homosexuality as a choice it is more directed at choosing to live openly as a gay man or woman rather than actual orientation, which they are pretty happy to over look as long as one stays in the closest.

Anyway back to scooter. I remember two things: one when he was doing the Yankee games you knew the score instantly – when the Yankees were losing he would be talking about fishing or some pastries he had gotten. I remember him wondering aloud how you can land a 10 Pd fish with a 5 pound line while a double play was going on.

The other was a conversation I had with someone; this was before he got into the hall, where a co-worker was saying that his dad told him the other teams didn’t like it when Ruzzito got on base.

“Well of course not”, I said. “You got DiMaggio or Mantle so you want to limit the damage they can do they are going to get hits, people on base makes it worse. Teams didn’t like it in ’86 when Dykstra and Backman got on base but that was because the Mets had Hernandez Carter and Strawberry coming to the plate not because Dykstra and Backman were so good.”

As far as Scooter being in the hall, well he’s in. He wouldn’t be in if he had played his full career in Washington or Philadelphia but that’s the way things go. Ted Williams, who was a friend, wanted him in, and I have better things to do than worry about the purity of the hall of fame right now.

Busy so that will have to be it.

Peace Love, they come in threes.


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