Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Monday's on a Tuesday this week and other thoughts

Well it’s my Monday morning depression only a day later. Gee that feels good.

No. I don’t know why I’m in this mood again – again it’s not like my life is materially any different today that it was yesterday.

Of course it could be that my birthday is coming up and these days that is not something that brightens my mood. Of course I can hear some part of my head say “yeah you’re getting older but consider the alternative” But that seems a bit much really – I feel like there has to be some other choice here between feeling low and being worm food but there you go life isn’t always fair – hell life isn’t fair at all – that’s why we have games and such and have all those movies with happy endings.

What is interesting as I look around, I honestly don’t really regret much – yeah I have made a metric ton of mistakes but I made them, got smacked for them and moved on. I don’t even have that should’ve slept with X when I had the chance cause knowing me, if I had, right now I’d be thinking “I shouldn’t have slept with X, I took advantage of someone when they where vulnerable and that really sucks” which is an emotion I’d rather not deal with.

Maybe the only real regret I have in my life is that back say in 1991-92 when I first saw Mystery Science Theater 3000 on the Comedy Channel – I didn’t climb into my car drive like hell to Minnesota and park right in front of Best Brains office and not leave before I had a job – watching bad movies – good god I’ve been training my whole life for this – I have to work on this show. Actually what scared me a bit was that the first 7 times I saw the show – I had already seen the movie that they were ragging on – that was I admit kinda scary.

But that aside no real regrets. I mean ear hair is a pain in the ass but well you just cut the damn stuff off (although who decided this was a good thing is beyond me) and move on.

Looking forward to a kind of quiet night with a bad film – I have some absurdity called Gymkata or some such which features a guy who is good on a pummel horse. Now how that got to be the germ of the idea of a bad film is well, it just looks bizarrely strange and bad at the same time as are a lot of martial arts themed films – after this I’m going to take a crack at either Butterfly and Sword or The Wu Tang Clan (which the group named itself after) which I have seen several times and can’t really make a lick of sense of.

Re Gymkata I saw the title at Bad Movies.org and if you like bad and B films you owe to yourself to check it out – nerdvana it is , just nerdvana.

I noticed that once again W has summoned people into his inner circle seemingly just to tell him how wonderful he is. The sad thing is that people being people there are always folks willing to suck up – even as W’s term as president crumbles into bloody dust and failure.

I remember seeing a TV movie called “the Missiles of October” about the Cuban missile crisis (side note – while not being the smartest thing the Russians ever did, their putting their missiles in Cuba was for them simply dealing with their equipment’s technical shortcomings – their range wasn’t too good – end side note) and the actor playing JFK as the crisis unfolds tells one of his staff (I forget who) that is sole job is tell him he’s wrong tell him how his policy is wrong – a devil’s advocate if you will. While it was a movie it was based on what went on. I doubt very much if W had anybody telling him on a daily or hourly basis what the hell could go wrong if he invaded Iraq. The story there is that anybody and I mean anybody who opened their mouth and said “maybe this isn’t the best idea we ever had” got pushed out of the circle pretty damn quick.

We’re hearing happy talk about the surge – well does that mean we get the boys (and women) the hell home?

It looks like Murdoch will be buying Dow Jones which publishes the Wall Street Journal. Well there goes another paper down the tubes. One thing you know about Murdoch is that he manages to drive things right into the ditch. Expect the Journal to take an utter nose dive in quality – except for the editorial page which has been a troglodyte cesspool for years. The editorial page and the news reporting are done by different groups – which you can expect that to get canned by Murdoch in a heartbeat.

Mets still in first for some reason. Lost last night as did both Atlanta and Philly. (loss 10,001 or 2 – boy is that a dubious achievement well worth an award.)

I see where the most recent poll of GOP voters their top candidate was none of the above. Well let’s see if Newt and Thompson (who is looking more like a basset every day) up the nonsense level.

Conventional wisdom seems to say that McCain’s campaign crashed and burned due to his support of the Iraq war and the surge. Glen Greenwald (salon – check him out too) pointed out that all the gop wannabe’s supported the war – where McCain differed was he wasn’t a keen as the other punishment freak Jack Bauer want to be’s running to expand Gitmo and wire up someone’s testicles and the off chance they might know something or just for the thrill of wiring testicles. There is a seriously disturbed and angry segment of the American population that wouldn’t blink if Cheney declared the elections off. (I don’t think he’ll do that but I don’t think it isn’t something he’s thought of.)

To file under to know him is to loathe him – Rudy’s’ popularity is declining as people get to see what a thin skinned brittle ego monster he is.

Peace Love Pummel Horses.

Picture has nothing to do with anything - really.


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