Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Burning and other thoughts

Heats getting to everybody – people are forgetting how revolving doors work and I’m getting annoyed with people who forget how revolving doors work.

I’ll say this again – I really don’t think people are as stupid as they act – they can’t be, they wouldn’t have reach adulthood if they did, they wouldn’t be able to find their way to work everyday if they were truly that dumb. It’s either the heat or just that perverse nature of humanity that they will only start using their brains when they have tried very other possible course of action (sometimes even twice).

So the American League will have home field again – you know, only if the commissioner was a nit-wit used car salesman would they have come up with an idea just as stupid as…oh wait he is a nit-wit used car salesman.

I don’t think the 9 game World Series idea is going to fly even if the nit-wit wants it – the last time they played 9 games was 1919 – you know – the Black Sox? Bad karma all around.

More baseball: signs are just everywhere here adverting espn’s “The Bronx is Burning” mini series that looks to last about as long as the damn baseball season. I don’t know who, other than stone Yankee fans, is going to watch this (for some reason I fail to find the battles of three ego monsters to be that interesting). But I could be wrong here – what I remember from 1977 was that the Mets traded Tom Seaver and earned M. Donald Grant universal scorn for the rest of his life so what do I know?

You know – the thing about George is that for all the talk (and oh god is there talk) about how much he wants to win yada yada yada – he managed to preside over the longest Yankee world championship drought since the advent of Babe Ruth and this current streak (2001-2006) is actually the third longest dry spell since Ruth (you could look it up).

Going to be interviewed finally by the waltz thing – let you know how that goes. The Enemy Below and I will also be playing there later so expect a report tomorrow.

W had a tame town meeting where he basically said to the people that getting sick is their fault because you don’t exercise or eat right – well sorry W not all of us have a job were can take off for two hours in the middle of the day to exercise, and we don’t have a cook and a full staff to make our meals for us made from only the finest quality ingredients (nobody is going to give the president Velveeta unless he asks for it – and maybe not even then) So just shut the fuck up you disconnected frat boy yahoo. God ride your bike while Dick runs the country into the ground.

File under: he’s stupid and he’s vain – apparently the former surgeon general (and god why do they wear those damn stars they are doctors for god’s sake) was required to mention W Three times a page in every speech he made. It would be interesting to see if that was the norm in all cabinet level speeches – maybe twice for a Senator?

Saw that housing sales fell to a 7 year low – and this wasn’t remarked upon except by Wall Street which had a slight rush to the exits. Now I can understand the Wall Street touts telling us that there won’t be a collapse in the housing market – it’s how they are able to afford steak dinners at Sparks but dear lord after all this time there is no earthly reason to actually believe them is there?

Someone else from the DOJ is testifying that nobody did anything wrong. Thank god she’s not Pinocchio.

Things have to be going badly – the head of the department of homeland security has emerged from his busy round of feeding to say his gut feeling indicates a big terrorist attack this summer.

I noticed one other oddity hereabouts – recently folks (other than Lieberman who has to be on some bizarre hell broth of drugs and scotch for him to say the gibberish he says) who want us to stay in Iraq are warning of massive civilian casualties if we leave. I find this odd, since these same folks didn’t give a damn about Iraqi casualties over the last four years; indeed they got upset when someone even mentioned them. (This is war, Saddam was bad etc. etc.) I find this sudden concern curious.

Was going to watch I drink your blood but it looks like one of those toss a lot of red paint – and use meat from the butcher style horror movies from the late 60’s and early 70’s - which leave me cold – they aren’t trying to scare as much as gross out folks and that’s kinda boring. I’d rather deal with inane dialogue and cardboard sets thank you.

Peace, Love, You see! Your Stupid Minds! Your Stupid Stupid minds!

Yes Diana Rigg (again)


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