Thursday, June 28, 2007

Power Outages and such like.

Had a bit of a scare yesterday – a switching station for con Ed “blew up” or some other unpleasant event with the upshot that some areas were blacked out – which gave everybody who lives where I live bad acid flashbacks to last summer when about 10,000 folks mostly in Astoria were without power for 10 days. In addition to having to live without power for 10 damn days the power outage caused a number of businesses to close up the most notable being the local cold stone creamery (damn you con ed! that was my ice cream!)

So it was with some nervousness I was told about the power outages and subway service problems – I walked home from near city hall last blackout – I am not too hip on doing that again in 90 degree weather.

Fortunately I didn’t have to – the enemy below’s homeward commute was not as easy alas. Took him forever to get home.

The Immigration bill has gone down – I’m not that surprised – between the ‘oh my god brown people” neo-know-nothing on the right and concerns about the ‘guest worker’ part of the bill on the left – it was doomed. I can only presume W pushed the bill because he was told to.

White House (and it seems Dick Cheney) are claiming executive privilege in answer to the subpoenas given by a house committee. It’s getting hard to keep track of what documents they aren’t giving up for what committee. I think this has to do with the wiretap program – which I think had some aspects to it that John Ashcroft wouldn’t sign off on – even when on painkillers.

This boggles the mind really. John was and is a complete right wing hack job who was obsessed with among other things bronze statutes showing women’s breasts – he had the offending tit covered with a big white sheet. It was a pretty bizarre stunt. I also read that he was afraid of calico cats (who overwhelmingly female) – which doesn’t argue the sane much I have to say.

Still I have to wonder about the breast thing. I mean really what’s wrong with breasts. I happen to like them a lot they are great fun in the proper circumstances. I mean I’m pretty damn repressed, but I’m not so obsessed with sex that the sight of a bronze breast is going to make me uncomfortable.

So anyway the questions remains what the hell was sooo bad that Ashcroft threatened to resign over it? I mean other than spying on democratic members of congress - and I’m not even sure John would draw the line at that so you wonder just what it was that set him off.

Tonight – hopefully a bad film – I seem to be ordering films that are so obscure that netflix has only one copy of them in their entire system.

That makes me happy in some weird way that it’s best not to think about too much.

Tomorrow – we hope – a run/speak through of the killer sheep musical. Let’s hope we get folks to do it and doesn’t suck too much.

Busy as heck more if I can.

Peace Love calico cats


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