Tuesday, July 03, 2007

No time, Mrs. A-Rod & Godzilla Fan Boys

No time today for blogging have to close and then do reports – corporate America gotta love it.

Some notes from the passing parade.

Mrs. Alex Rodriquez wore a shirt to Yankee stadium that said on the back “fuck you” in fancy letters. The NY press in as fine an example of pearl clutching fainting behavior decried the shirt. One paper had a concerned parent saying that he was made uncomfortable by the shirt since his young son was going to only inches away from it.”

Okay – a few things 1) this is Yankee Stadium we’re talking’ about here. Really. The place where one person said “the best way to reduce overcrowding in New York would be to combine Nickel Beer night with Bat Day at Yankee Stadium.” Disney this ain’t.

2) if they are sitting near or actually next to Mrs. A-Rod they have to be pretty hoi poli themselves – it wasn’t like she’s about to sit in the upper deck.

3) Don’t you have anything better to worry about?

Speaking anything better to worry about – W has commuted the prison sentence of Scooter Libby apparently moved that the punishment was too much for scooter. This from a man who thinks water boarding people who have not been charged with a crime is okay and did not commute a single death penalty case while gov of Texas. So what scooter was facing must have been worse than Devils Island – or he was a member of the upper class and they don’t go to prison. Makes one want to get the pikes out it does.

Lieberman is saying that Iran has declared war on us – the rest of us must have missed that notice. Did you keep a copy?

I will go on with this at greater length later but I have just gotten the new DVD’s of Ghidorah The Three Headed Monster and Monster Zero both which feature the original Japanese language editions, the US version some extras and learned commentary – most of which is pretty matter of fact – stuff about the movie, the actors and what have you.

However the guy who did the commentary about Ghidorah, well he’s a self impressed jerk.

His point or attempted point was that the campiness of Ghidorah was a good thing and with the American version bringing out the campiness more is therefore better or more important. He also makes some comments saying that the current wisdom that the series started to go down hill after the campiness took over is wrong and he was snarking on the fan boys insistence on Japanese language versions.

I’m going to go into this more at a later date but one of this points was that with subtitles small children won’t be able go to the shows and become G fans, citing the example of his 5 year old son that he couldn’t take to see the original Japanese language Godzilla (Gojria) cause he couldn’t read the sub titles.


First off Gojria was never ever ever intended for 5 year olds – it’s a adult ant-war anti- atomic testing film with a potent deep sadness at the heart of it – hell even the monster is a victim of atomic testing in that one. Second – the long time producer of the Godzilla films – Tomoyuki Tanaka said and said reatedly that making Godzilla into a hero was a mistake – one that, once the series revived in 1984 he fixed. (After 1984 the children were ushered out the door)

Like I said I’ll have to go into more depth in this – but this argument is based on the kind of narcissistic gibberish that boomers are said to indulge in all the time – this happened to me there for it’s true everywhere for everyone. (Anecdotal evidence is what this is formally named – people use this all the time by the by.)

And really Godzilla films face an uncertain future – Toho won’t do one for at least 10 years for several reasons, one of which is they are waiting to see what happens to the movie business in that time and how it would affect niche films like the Godzilla series. What’s going to keep the series alive at all are the fan boys – not 5 year olds.

Peace love, fan boys.


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