Thursday, July 12, 2007

Harriet, Talking Horrors and Golf

Okay things are about to get very very interesting.

Harriet Miers one time White House Counsel, failed supreme court nomination (side note I’ve read that the whole Harriet Farce came about because W for once didn’t do what Dick told him to do – and it was quickly smacked down) has been told not to show up at the congressional hearing today. (and later one she did – that is not show up)

First she no longer works for the White House and second there is ‘no proper reason’ to refuse to show up. Executive privilege, which used to be pretty narrowly defined, meant that some of the advice you gave the president couldn’t be talked about. It does not mean you don’t have to answer questions – still with the tame geeks on the Supreme Court these days you wonder if Dick Cheney is willing to roll the dice on they will back him up. Actually considering the autorotation tendencies of the 5 goops – it’s a pretty safe bet they will give Dick everything he wants.

I’m not sure just what congress is going to go do but we’ll see – I think they have given Meyers 5 days to comply with the subpoena and then – well that’s then. I expect the Democratic leaders to fold like a tent when push comes to shove but I keep hoping that somebody remembers what the hell is at stake here.

Pretty good open mike – had more comedians than usual including one guy who just kept going on and on and on and on and on and on and on – it wasn’t even that he was good – it was he made a comment, say the word ‘like’ a lot, and then a after a bit – he’d go on and talk about something else.

I’m not sure what it was supposed to be – it wasn’t stand up for one thing – perhaps is was some kind of dada performance piece where the audience is tested to see just how long they will put up with aimless dull gibberish. Andy Kaufman once sang 100 bottles of beer on the wall got to 14 and then stopped – the audience rioted.

But I don’t think that was the case – he just sucked rockets and pointedly ignored Matt’s waiving the light of doom (which means your ten minutes are up and it’s time to FUCKING STOP TALKING OKAY? REMEMBER NEXT TIME OR PEOPLE WILL BE FORCED TO DRAG OFF THE STATE YOU, NO DOUBT STILL TALKING ABOUT SOMETHING YOU READ IN THE PAPERS).

Other than that one moment of horror (actually more like 15 minutes) it was a good open mike – I didn’t really mean to walk out on yummy beer guy when he was singing and I apologize I needed to stretch my legs – honest.

The interview went well – I just jabber until Bill told me that we were done – I assume will have to chop my ah’s and ummmm’s and gee that’s a good question and all the like.

Also killer sheet – it’s not really the best song to start off with as well people don’t really know if they are supposed to laugh at this or not. I don’t really mind that so much – keeps the audience on their toes when you don’t tell them exactly how to react to things. A touch of Dada if you will.

Off to Virginia for the weekend – I had kind of planned on doing a lot of nothing but with my brother in law about it looks like we are going to play golf.

Time to start praying for rain. Not really but it’s like this – My Dad loves to play golf, my brother loves to play golf and my brother in law loves to play golf. Me. Not so much. I don’t hate it, but it is never the first thing I think if doing on a fine sunny day – so maybe just a little rain.
President thinks making 8 of 18 indicates great progress. The man needs to slaped in the face with a large fish - a salmmon or trout.

Peace, Love Fore!


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