Friday, June 29, 2007

Long week & Alien Brains

Been a long rough week – the end of the month usually has its mad points and then there is the end of the quarter and that is putting a whole new level on the pressure. Sooooooo
The blogging has been light. No real time to do any serious bad movie watching – since Net Flix seems to trying to keep them from me – I want my colossus you mush wits – yeah it’ll make my ears bleed but it’s better than dealing with the real world no?

In the real world:

The president and W have decided to ignore the subpoenas the house and senate have issued claiming executive privilege – one of the problems here is what they consider executive privilege is so broad and all inclusive that, if their interpretation is upheld, you might as well forget ever getting a member of the white house or the cabinet to testify in congress and just toss the over sight function of congress out the window. I’m pretty sure that this will go to the courts but considering that the Supreme Court just recently

A) Pretty much overturned Brown vs. Board of Ed - and

B) made it safe for companies to price fix – in this case overturning a 100 year old precedent – because it bothered large corporations.

I’m not sanguine that this court will side with the Congress no matter where the weight of the legal argument falls.

Meantime the fall out of the immigration bill continues. It’s been rather sad to see the absolute terror some folks have of brown people. There is a real fear that someday soon ‘they’ will be in the minority in ‘their’ country – which will mean What? Will White people have to ride in the back of the bus? Not get home loans? You have to wonder just what they are all so scared of.

Full disclosure I live in queens which has everybody – if I got flipped out by seeing people other than people exactly like myself I’d be on thorzine right now.

Meantime the nation’s talking heads are rounding to the defense of, of all people, Cheney. I’m not sure why – they have adopted him as the new symbol of the right wing manly man – since W has turned all mushy with a) he’s a dolt and b) that immigration bill that wouldn’t just round up and kill the scary brown people. Some one even said magic “the kind of person you’d like to have a beer with”

I remember this gibberish being tossed about W – which really puzzled the hell out of me – for one W seemed like a pretty dull person to hang around with – self centered and boorish – and probably cheap as hell (i.e. you’d have to buy the rounds) the other thing is that W is a recovering alcoholic and – trust me on this – one of the last places on earth you want to be is with an alcoholic when they fall off the wagon – it’s a 100 story drop off the tower of despair when that happens – great fun that.

But this about Cheney? I mean come on – the man looks like hell, he’s grumpy and angry and got a bad ticker and he’s really just a nasty old cuss - again not somebody I’d love to have a beer with. I’d like a beer with and intelligent and attractive woman – if you don’t mind much. What is wrong with that?

But it is this weird man crush thing the talking heads have – they have made Fred Thompson a 1 term senator of very modest accomplishments and actor into the new coming of Ronald Reagan. They want a daddy to make it all better. Kind of creepy sick if you think about it too much.


Random Neural Firings:

It’s a very weird world where a man like Edwards is being judged as inauthentic because he’s rich and isn’t out to screw poor people – by this logic FDR was a phony too.

It’s got to be something in the water or the cocktail franks inside the beltway.

Michael Moore has made another film I probably won’t see because I’m not into getting depressed.

Transformers is coming. Want to see things blown up by robots.

Been thinking about the end of the Brain From Planet Arous a bit the last few days – I’ve written about the film - the story is that an alien brain (and it’s a big big floating brain with little eyes on it – very weird) possesses John Agar and attempts to take over the world – while possessed Agar makes out with his girl (turns our the brain likes the physical stuff – I wonder if the brain didn’t regret waiting until after the sexual revolution to try and take over the world, Agar’s GF puts the brakes on awfully fast) and blows up planes and kills people while looking at them. There is also a good floating brain that possessed the dog to keep an eye on John and defend the GF’s honor (after all only aliens would be interested in sex instead of a barbeque).

Anyway the climax comes – after possessed John has killed and blown things up – he and the alien part company for a while, and while the alien is just floating about it is killed by John with a blow from an axe. At that moment the other brain leaves the dog and goes home.

Now this is what puzzles me – John, when possessed never said he was possessed so when the come to arrest and/or blow him up. What the hell is going to say? Granted there is the big dead brain but still.

“It wasn’t me, it was the brain!”
“This is big hunk of meat – you mean this was inside you.”
“Making you do all the killing?”
“You’re going to have to better than that son.”
“but it’s true”
“Sorry miss”
“You can ask the dog”
“Excuse me?”
“Another one is inside the dog”
“Another Brain”
“Oh that’s right it left after this one died”
“That’s very convent. Listen you are all going to have to come with us.”
“But it was the brain”
“And you’re giving me a head ache so shut up and let’s move it. And take that hunk of meat along”
“If it wasn’t an Alien why did I hit it with the axe?”
“I’m just a cop sir; I’m not here to answer crazy people’s questions.”

Peace Love Alien Brains.


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