Friday, July 20, 2007

Friday, Badgers and the Film Crew

Oddly this looks to be a much quieter Friday than normal – there have been big time quarterly meetings so now the people who were at those meeting have gone home and will spend today going over all the e-mails they didn’t read while they were here. So nothing much looks to happen.

Just as well – I’m more tired than is usual for a Friday – not sure why, weather, some stress, other things who knows? I’m dragging for sure, that’s all I know.

The White House is ratcheting up the subpoena issue – now claiming that the justice department can not enforce a subpoena once a claim of executive privilege is made. It’s like being on base during a game of tag, without anybody being able to say “one, two, three, get off my father’s apple tree” (Sorry to be childish but it’s either that or I start cursing). The claim has been called staggeringly broad.

No shit.

Anyway we have two of W’s minions who will not answer subpoenas and the White House Claiming executive privilege in them not answering it. Clinton claimed executive privilege during his run in with congress and Nixon did too – both lost. I suspect that Cheney figures with the 5 reactionary yahoos on the court (“the Magna Carta was only intended to protect the nobility and since we have no nobility in the United States, therefore citizens don’t have those protections”) he can take a chance with this.

We’ll see what happens. I’m not sanguine.

You know I can understand loyalty to a cause and ideal I just can’t get this blind slavish loyalty to W. I mean come on – you’re going to go into the tank for him? W who has a sign on his desk in the oval office that reads “Not my fault – ask me how” – this is the one people are falling on their swords for? Shouldn’t people do things to deserve that kind of loyalty? Not just sit there and pout when Nancy Pelosi is talking or ride bikes. Really. It just boggles the mind. I mean they have to know W will toss them under the bus in a heartbeat. I just don’t get it.

Some quick notes – seems like we have no plan, as in none on how to withdraw the troops when the time comes. Par for the course. I’d start forming lines to get to the roof of the embassy right now.

The Iraq Parliament is going to go on vacation in August. I suspect a lot them will not come back.

The sound of moving goal posts: Now we being told we’ll have to wait for November for the final word on the surge in Iraq. Anybody not see that coming? I mean this thing needs a shot clock.

A thought: Impeach Gonzales first – nobody likes the little shit anyway – hell even W calls him Fredo. Not too insulting eh? Then with the dirt that brings out into the light – get Cheney – who nobody is willing to go to the wall – by that time the elections should be in view so impeaching W may not be practicable but the ground work for charges to be filed after he leave office will have been done. I mean there is always the Hague.

Things in Iraq have gotten so crazy that the British Army was forced to issue this statement: “We can categorically state that we have not released man-eating badgers into the area." This after rumors that savage man eating badgers were on the rampage in Basa. Turns out a beast called the Honey Badger lives in the area and with the disruption the war has brought no doubt several wandered into Basra looking for food. It gets the name Honey Badger due to its taste for honey (destroying the hive) not for the sweetness of its disposition. Males can get up to about 25-30 pounds and like European and American Badgers just nasty as hell. Very very strong for their size big claws on their front legs, nasty sharp teeth and a fearless attitude combine to make the beast just plain bad news.

Looks like the hideous sun demon will get to my house before the other film. I memory serves it’s about a guy who becomes victim of an Aztec god’s curse or some such and there froe when exposed to the sun turns into the title creature. 50’s film – budget of 20 cents all told.

Meantime in news that will have me smiling for a while – three former member of MST3K (Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy and Bill Colbert – aka Mike, the voice of Tom Servo and the Second Voice of Crow T Robot) have joined up and as “The Film Crew” are now providing MST3K style snark in a direct to DVD format. I was a) wondering when they were going to get around to doing this and b) you guys need any help?

Peace Love, In the not to distant future…


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