Thursday, June 14, 2007

Gay Bombs, Starship Troopers & Soviet Kitsch

The day is busy and the parade is passing me by. But some things to be noted.

The Pentagon was going to or did spend 7.5 million dollars to try and build a bomb that would turn soldiers of the other side gay. I assume the idea was that when the bomb (a hell broth of chemicals and hormones and the secret sauce from Big Gay Al’s Restaurant) exploded the troops on the other side would start thinking Halleluiah it’s raining men and start doing the wild thing with each other.

Remember that’s 7.9 million dollars that you paid in taxes. To build a gay bomb.

Now of course Electric Six’s Gay Bar is running through my head. Check it out, it’s a great song – even better search “flying Viking kittens do gay bar” on Google. You won’t be disappointed.

Anyway as long as the Pentagon is tossing money around for stupid ideas – maybe they might want to see of our music will turn people gay? For a small grant of ohhh maybe $500,000 or so we’d love to do about a years worth of research and come back with the answer “it doesn’t” and then have a party. How about that.

I have to imagine that working on the Gay Bomb had to been classified top secret – if for no other reason this really isn’t something you wanna talk about with you wife or husband when you get home from the office.

“What did you do today dear?”
Mumbles something
Mumbles again
“Dear what is it – did you say Day Glom?”
Mumbles a bit louder
‘GAY BOMB okay! I’m working on a bomb to make men gay alright – it’s a stupid and pointless task but it’s my job okay!”
“I’m sorry dear”
“That’s alright – is there a gladiator movie on tonight?”

Meantime another high member of the Department of Justice can’t remember anything. And the White house has ‘lawyered up’ in preparation for the coming conflicts with congress. Amazingly none of the newly high powered attorneys were from Pat Robinson’s Legal school. Can’t imagine why.

Saw Starship Ship Troopers 2 last night – it was mostly dull and predictable and kind of lazy – I did get the satire or social commentary in the bookend ads that lead off and end the movie this time – maybe the Iraq war has heightened my awareness or something. Still the special effects were pretty lazy (as you’d expect with a direct to video production) and the story was stupid – this time the troops were trapped al la beau Gest in a tower but it turns our that some of the troopers have been taken over by the evil bugs. There is a lot of tedious plot turns and padding but in the end the plot is foiled somehow or other by the good guys. It wasn’t a bad soul sucking film as say Women of the Lost Mesa or even Blood Rayne it was just a dull snoozer.

Still I did learn that another danger of casual sex (and is there formal sex by the way? And if so how does that work? Do you have to fill out a form – a dress code? What?). Anyway another danger is that at some point your partner could regurgitate an alien life form into your mouth and from there it will take over your brain. I’m not sure condoms would help here.

Had to trim the myspace friend list today – somebody got his knickers in a twist about folks wearing t-shirts with soviet symbols. – Hammer and Sickle and what not. He started to bitch about how many people Stalin and Mao killed and then said all socialism turns psychopathic – which I think would come as surprise to Sweden.

For one thing Socialism isn’t communism is it? for the other Stalin died quite a while ago – China is our best buddy (at least the GOP thinks so) and the folks wearing the soviet kitsch stuff are, if they think about it at all, are making a comment on America’s unthinking knee jerk communism that among other things – got 50,000 kids killed in Viet nam.

So he’s off the buddy list.

Peace Love The People’s Flag is a deepest Red


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You write very well.

5:49 AM  

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