Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Sleepless nights - Random thoughts & COH

Not much time for blogging today.

Busy we’re coming to the end of the month and the end of the quarter and well it’s a business thing – people are running like chickens.

Also didn’t get that much sleep last night – for some reason all my anxieties decided to just show up last night and gather around my bed and said helllooo bobbbyyyyy! At about 2:30 in the morning. And then some where around 4:30 I was thinking well I’m not getting back to sleep at which point the next thing I knew I was thrashing about and the alarm was ringing.

I hate when that happens.

Random Neural Firings:

I’m not sure but maybe the Subway announcements should just try some reverse psychology

“Please pile into the subway train the instant the doors open – if the people leaving aren’t strong enough to force their way out to hell with them”

“Please, once in the subway car stop instantly and form a huge crowded mob”

“Keep shoving things into the doors – we’re not going anywhere.”

I’m upset with the way the Mets have done lately but at least the NY Press is so busy planning the Yankees World Series Victory Parades they haven’t been able to spare the time to rub salt in the wound (the standard “we told you so, the Mets will always be the second team in New York” – well as long as you write the sports stories yes.)

W received a rapturous reception in Albania – this sounds like the punch line of a joke but no it was true. It also seems like someone snagged his watch.

Some folks in Iraq tried to finish the job they started last year by blowing up more of the mosque they blew up last year.

W tried to convince GOP members of congress to support his immigration bill, apparently this time he’s going stress the punish the brown people aspects of the bill since the only people he has left on his side are the No-Nothings and outright bigots.

Rudy is looking very unwell these days – and isn’t making much sense when he talks either.

I’m embarrassed to admit but I’m excited that this weekend is double experience points weekend in City of Heroes – I mean to get my main guy Le Bug of Blue to level 30 – and I get a new costume (yes I am such a geek).

Going to look for places outside Manhattan to play – love Otto’s but since I know now how to make Mai Tai’s I don’t need them as much.

It comes over the wire that Harriet Miers is going to be subpoenaed. The net is getting tighter around our man-boy president. He may stay in Albania.

The beltway’s weeping for poor scooter Libby makes you think he’s going to devils Island in a cell right next to Dreyfus. I mean come on – he’ll do his time in club fed with the other white collar criminals and then get a life time grant from some rich right wing welfare organization. He won’t even miss a payment on his country club membership. So Jesus lighten up – yeah prison isn’t nice but he put Dick Cheney above the country so he goes to jail.

Read a depressing stat that since 1979 the share of income for the top 1% has increased by 7% to 16% – while the bottom 80% share fell by 7%.

Apparently even economists are becoming worried about the badly lopsided distribution of income and wealth in the US. And they are normally paid to explain why closing the factory and sending the jobs to a 3rd world hell hole where their president takes a cut of the action while the CEO of the company gives himself millions is a good thing – so if they are starting to worry – well its simple – we are all fucked.

Peace Love City of Heroes.

(that’s the bug by the way)


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