Thursday, June 07, 2007

in Re last night & Band Business

Well I didn’t get interviewed – the radio guy showed up late so they just taped us doing our stuff. There were a few people at the Mike that hadn’t heard our material before and well that’s always fun. Some laugh some look like they’ve just gotten smacked in the face with a fish (reference to the fish slapping dance and a line from MST3K) and frankly it’s all good.

I’ve been told by fans that half the fun of watching the band is watching the reactions of the newbies – especially if they have no idea what the hell is about to happen to them. Which is part of the gag I guess.

We did someone else and Stacy – someone else because it is almost the prefect example of my ideas on dada style song writing or kicking the chair out from under people and Stacy cause people want to hear it and it’s disgusting and funny at the same time.

Anyway someone else – this is a breakup song that, as I like to say, cuts right to the chase (no I’m not giving away the joke here – come to a gig or listen to in on our myspace page). The songs – as we have put it together – starts out in sounding in deadly earnest (indeed it has to be sung and played absolutely straight) and sounds like about 1 billion other songs the audience has heard. Zappa talked about this saying something to the effect that by the time we’re say 18 years old we have heard thousands of songs and we recognize types of songs even simply by tonal quality. In someone else we play straight to the cliché even to the words – which you’ve kinda heard somewhere else before – it’s pretty it safe and then we just kick the damn chair out from under you. It can get laughter it can get blank looks – but it gets a reaction. That’s the deal and that’s were the deal lives for me. I’ll take laughter (which is the intention) but if not I’ll take a sunned blank stare as a sign that we’ve done our job.

Bill was talking about the interviews at some other time maybe tomorrow or today or whenever but we’ll see – we got invited to the first show and that’s a complement.

The Enemy Below, the Insect Girl and I all agreed that we need to get a bit more professional/serious about promotion/booking/publicity – starting with a press kit – and hell maybe even an 8 by 10 glossy (just thinking out loud here). Really if we want to get better or larger venues we need to do that – and not just talk about it – so the next couple of weeks will see the press kit get hammered together – posters and the other stuff will be planned – and even a p.o. for our mail so that our personal stuff doesn’t get mixed up with band stuff. Like a real life band yes indeed.

We’re really good enough – with the band we have now especially – to damn play anywhere and do anything – and I especially have to get over this low self esteem hiding as modesty bit. It’s not helping – I’ll save for when I need it. which is?

No gigs for love nor money just yet – need to go further afield here – trouble is the 169 bar is now becoming some kind of jazzish club so our band of acoustic punk humor showboating can’t really fit – since we like it loud.

I see by the news reports that W is really doing a great job in restarting the cold war. We’ll see how he does the rest of the time over there – maybe he can get the Berlin wall put back up. Since they are so hot for the days of Reagan maybe they want the big bad bear back.

I get a strange feeling listening or reading the words of the GOP candidates for president – the feeling I get is – well – oh my god they all fucking nut cases. But that’s their base these days.

Going to have to break this off – another ned of month (typo is deliberate) emergency.

Peace Love Someone else

blogger hates pics at the moment - later.


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