Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Advice al al Hunter Thompson - and Troopers

For some reason I’m channeling Hunter Thompson this morning – not the bourbon drinking, the drug use and cigarette smoking – rather simply the crude way he wrote about politics.

Some advice for Harry Reid.

1) It is time to put Joe Lieberman’s nuts in a grinder. Strip the little punk of everything – right now – Between the damage he did in Iraq and the insane blood thirsty gibberish about Iran and now voting with the Autocrats on the Gonzalez vote of no confidence – he’s gone over to the dark side anyway – there are at least 40 million other democrats who would do a better job on the committees he is charge of. He’s a lying backstabbing weasel and unless he finds all is stuff in garbage bags on the sidewalk this morning when he comes to the Senate today he’s going to keep pulling this shit.

You’re not the only one to blame here Harry, there are a lot of democrats in the Senate who just didn’t fucking get it – they figured Joe was one of them so neither you nor any of the other heavies in the party suggested to Joe that he accept the wish of the parties members and retire – and if he didn’t – you’d start the nut twisting right then. Jesus you all treated Lamont like he was a fucking radioactive monster rather than your party’s senatorial candidate – and by your knee cutting of Lamont helped to ensure that Joe returned to the Senate.

It’s galling to remember the if you clowns had decided not the run Ralph the half wit’s choice for Senate in Tennessee – One Harold Ford who spend his campaign trying to convince voters that were going to vote for him no matter what he did that he supported the war in Iraq and hated gays as much as they did – Lieberman’s Benedict Arnold turn wouldn’t be important. This was Ralph’s guy and he running as gop lite got stomped in a year when we ended up with a democratic Senator from Nebraska and Virginia – and even Joe lied like a rung about wanting the Iraqi war done with.

But you made Joe important you now you have to do something about him – at the very least a political kneecapping – and a brutal one, none of this Joe means well mush mouthed nonsense. Joe does not mean well, Joe is a bloodthirsty batshit crazy lunatic who will stab any back he can reach – time to have him sleep with the fishes.

2) Impeach Gonzales – yes the bill has to come from the House but Nancy won’t allow it to be pushed forward until you signal you’re willing to go forward with the trial. The trail would be a very different kettle of fish from the milksop no confidence vote you tried to have passed. Time has come to draw the evil mothers into the light one by one where they will scream live vampires caught in the sun, howling as their rotten flesh melts away. Gonzo seems a good first step – one – he’s guilty as sin and two he’s the type that will rat his own grandmother out.

Granted it will be hard to get a conviction – but the trial will lay the little lawbreaking ass kisser out for the world to see, and even better they won’t be able to ignore the subpoenas that are issued – and when Gonzo and his enablers testify under oath – you’ll have the documentation that they have been hiding up till now. God knows what horrible things lurk in Karl Rove’s e-mails.

And the deal is that everybody who votes against conviction will be marked forever as an enabler of the little monster and his yahoo boss. And that will come to haunt them come election time – hell 7 gop senators jumped ship on this. Ramp the pressure a little more – you really want to go down defending Weasel face and his boss monkey boy? – Especially when they start trying to drag you down with them. Time to take the hatchet to their grasping hands like they were zombies in a bad sic-fi movie – because unless you chop their hands off they will drag you out of the building and eat your brains.

Yes the beltway insiders will scream – but Reid – here’s a new rule of thumb – the more fuss the beltway makes the better you are doing your job. Okay? To called names by these swine should be considered a badge of honor not something to worry about.

3) Quit. Reid you really seem to want people who will never fucking like you because they are either evil greedy bastards or have sold their souls to evil greedy bastards to like you. It’s making you act in stupid and self destructive ways and you’re pissing off the American People – congress’s approval went down 10% in a month and it wasn’t because you were having too many hearings on the Department of Justice. It was your el-foldo on Iraq. You were one of the folks that urged that – it was a mistake and you need to fall on your sword to make up for it. Mushy nice guy stuff isn’t going to clean up the mess. So do the right thing and just be a Senator – maybe take over Joe’s chairmanships hold hearing on Katrina and work to fix FEMA – and get some corporate looters tossed in jail.

Well enough of that – still it felt nice to get some cursing out.

Will be watching Starship troopers two – at the Enemy Below’s request – I’m not looking forward to it – I didn’t much care for starship troopers #1 (I may be thick or something but I didn’t get the satire if there was satire intended there – all I kept thinking was – they should get bigger guns or at least explosive bullets, cannons maybe? – and if memory serves other than Michael Ironside none of them could act a lick)

Remember reading Starship Troopers many many years ago and well that’s about it, what I remember best is that in the society you couldn’t vote unless you had served in the military – I’m sure Heinlein thought that was a good idea but it’s so goes against the ideas of the republic (and our history) that it’s only in science fiction that you can toss this stuff about. People fell all over themselves over Stranger in a Strange land but I really didn’t grok the book much – I lost interest when the human raised on Mars was pointing out what a great invention money was and how there wasn’t any difference between dating and hiring a hooker – which I’m not really sure looking back on it if he was trying to call all women prostitutes or not – or if he thought that was a bad thing to do so or was trying to ponit something out. Who knows – fewer people care and hardly anybody says grok these days.

Ex from a long time ago kept tyring to get me to read Heilien – never worked – I supose once you read Fear and Loathing In Los Vegas anything else is pretty tame.

Peace Love huge bats.



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