Thursday, May 31, 2007

Radio, Radio

Short Blog I actually have to work (gasp)

Well the band will be on the radio – an internet radio but a broadcast of some sort nonetheless – the show is called “Live from Waltz Astoria” and will be on – they will be broadcasting part of their open mike on Wednesdays starting June 6th – actually they will be taping the live bit doing some interviews and then after some editing broadcasting the whole magilla that Friday. More exact details as we get them.

After or before we play I’m to be asked some questions – and well dear lord the temptation for an utter freak-out is pretty damn strong – I hope I’ll be able to resist the temptation to do things like

Interviewer: So where did the idea for that song come from?
Me: Glad you asked that – I was just walking one day and (voice changes to high hysterics) THE SKULL THE SKULL BENEATH THE SKIN (and back) it occurred to me that OH MY GOD! SHE’S MAKING BREAKFAST WITH HER MIND would be kind of funny. YOU SEE, YOU SEE, ALL OF YOU ON EARTH ARE IDIOTS.
Interviewer: I ah see, anyway do have any long term plans for the band?
Me: Only what the voices tell me.

And so on.

I’ve never been interviewed before so I’m kind of looking forward to it.

Played alone at the open mike – it’s been a while - still managed to do Tangled Up In Blue by Dylan without messing up too damn much - show them my serious side – such as it is. My problem is I have just start playing faster and can overwhelm my ability move my fingers.

Which is not a problem with the other song I did – Rat Dog – which has a stupid chorus (yip yip yip at anything that movies) and b) 3 chords no waiting song structure.

Listening last night I was struck again that I just don’t write stuff like other folks I’m not looking for one big love to solve my problems (at least I’m not going to sing that) nor am I really that into heart break stuff; madness, monster movies, emotional dislocation and bizarre pop culture trends yeah – true love, not so much.

Random Neural Firings.

A Cattle rancher wants to test all his cattle – not just the one percent mandated by law – for mad cow disease – this is opposed by the FDA because it would be ‘unfair’ and costly for the meat packers (who by a staggering coincidence are heavy GOP contributors) . Us, well we can eat meat and die as pions turn our brains into mush but god forbid meat packers have to spend fucking money prove their meat is safer than a small firm (which is willing to spend the money).

A sign we need to rethink this ethanol thing:

Farmers in Mexico are plowing over Agave Cactus (used to make tequila) to plant corn to make ethanol. This is really too much – May 5th no cheap tequila. The horror.

W has said his long term vision of Iraq is like that of Korea – I guess we’ll step down when they step up was just one more lie.

This is insane and nobody is calling him on it – except the blogs – it’s just more crazy talk from a crazy person – there is no way in god’s green earth this country can accept or even damn deal with a 50 year occupation of a hostile population. The army would break down (like it is starting to already) and we’d end up broker than Russia was at the end of their campaign in Afghanistan.

Reading The Guns of August on and off and I keep being impressed by the weird echoes it is bringing up – The German army used ‘terror’ to keep the Belgium population down – with the predictable results meantime war supporters here, frustrated over the course of the action, are urging the US army to ‘take the gloves off” which is pretty creepy sounding. They are also very full of the same weird sense of outrage that the Germans had in Belgium in 1914 about the Belgians fighting back, it’s all very depressing.

I read that W surprised some friends visiting recently by banging his chest and saying “I am the president” in a loud voice. He was either having an episode brought on by a momentary realization of his complete failure or he simply forgot and needed to remind himself who he was.

A-rod has managed to take attention away from the Yankees on filed woes by dating a stripper. Way to take on for the team Alex. Of course people are coming to Alex’s defense (you make 26 million a year you’ll get defenders to) one of whom was quoted as saying “Alex is a big boy” that I can understand but I’m sure the Yankees are thinking they would like him to act like a grown man.

Still what a player does off the field is really his business – but in this age of Panty Sniffing journalism it pays to be a little discreet yes?

Lieberman – managing to look worse than John McCain in flack jacket and armed guard has gone to Iraq and bought sunglasses – I’m sure he got a bargain – someone comes to my kiosk accompanied by heavily armed men I’m going to steeply discount my merchandise to.

Per news reports he asked for questions from the troops and the number one question was “when are we going home?”

Off to see some folks play tonight – one thing the website for the place seems rather well smug in a ‘share and enjoy” Sirius Cybernetics company way (Hitchhiker Guide reference).

Peace Love, be careful when you date strippers.


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