Tuesday, June 05, 2007

End of the Month, Tame Pigs, and A-rod

End of the month

Well it’s not but as far as my job is concerned it is May 36th or so – it’s boring and company business to explain why but that’s the way it is. So I’m running about today and probably tomorrow.

Random Neural Firings:

A few days ago there was a big deal about a kid in Alabama or such shooting a huge hog with a pistol – the Hog it was claimed was bigger than the legendary Hogzilla (a feral hog that terrorized the woods somewhere in the south – I forget where, they are making a movie about it). Well as with all stories too good to be true – this one is as well.

The hog was a domestic hog that had the name of Fred – Fred liked canned yams and played with children and was by the accounts of his former owners a gentle animal (and smart like pigs are). However the family decided to sell all their pigs and off Fred went and he ended up in a canned hunt (canned hunts, are where animals are released in fenced in enclosure and have about as much to do with real hunting as date rape has to do with dating) and spent the last three hours of its life in pain and terror as it was shot 9 times with a 50 caliber pistol by an eleven year old boy (who missed 7 other shots – always behind someone who is shooting – important safety tip) before it died. (You couldn’t use a damn rifle? What’s with the pistol anyway? What was that supposed to prove?)

Oddly enough the Alabama version of Game and Fishing wardens investigated the hunt and said it was okay. Apparently it is illegal to use a wild hog in a canned hunt. But a domesticated hog – well fire away boys.

While farms and farmers can’t by the nature of what do they be sentimental about animals I can’t help Fred had gotten a better end after his years on the farm.

I’m not sure why writing about the violent and senseless death of a big fat pig gets me to thinking about A-Rod but there you go that’s how my head works.

A-Rod has managed to really make a complete mess of his public image these days – I’m not sure how much he cares but his agent has to be tearing his hair out as Alex’s q-rating goes down with each new dumb ass move.

Dating the stripper is bad enough but parading the stripper – well that’s just asking for it.

Meantime – I hope to hell he doesn’t’ think that now that he’s out of Boston the “ha!”’s are going to stop each time he tries to catch a ball outside of Yankee Stadium – he’s got that at least for this season.

I was watching bit of the Sunday or Saturday game – I forget and Joe Morgan and Jack Buck who should really shut up about anything other than “there’s a lazy fly to center” were talking about the play where A-rod yell HA or Mine or something to the third baseman who subsequently dropped the ball and then two runs scored. Joe was inclined not to make a too big a deal about the play but I noticed that Jack Buck didn’t ask Joe if he’d ever done something like that (which I think is relevant here).

This coming after the slapping the ball out of the glove in game 5 or 6 of the ALCS in 2004 is not doing A-Rod’s image any damn good (as noted above).

Here’s the thing that bugs me – I could understand – although not like it, if this was done by some career .240 hitter with bad knees who is scrambling to stay up with the club but this is, by most accounts, the best player in the game today pulling this bush league shit. He doesn’t need to do this to win. It cheapens both the game and him when he does this. And he owes something to the game that has made him a very well off man.

I know I’m probably being too romantic about the game but Carl Yazstremski didn’t go Ha, Tom Seaver didn’t go Ha, Willie Stargel didn’t go Ha, Willie Mays didn’t go Ha, Ted Williams didn’t go Ha, And Hell Christy Mathewson was such a straight arrow that if the umps didn’t see the play (there were only two in field in those days) they would ask Christy to make the call.

Yeah it’s kinda impossible standard but hell and damn baseball isn’t real life – it’s a game and is not on the great Magnet’s list of things that really matter (as much as I love it) except in how it is played. That’s really the be all and end of it.

Do it right or don’t. Or if you’re gonna yell Ha – be prepared to get razzed for it for the rest of your life.

For the record I don’t doubt for a moment that Ty Cobb and Pete Rose yelled Ha more than once in their career, but Cobb was a sociopath and Rose gambled on his own team when he wasn’t picking rights with shortstops that he outweighed by some 50 pounds. I don’t really think those are good examples.

Again as I said – busy – need to rehearse spontaneous replies to interview questions and time the two songs.

Report on our radio taping tomorrow.

Peace Love Don't shoot tame Pigs

That’s Christy Mathewson in case you are wondering.


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