Monday, June 04, 2007

Monday not much else to say

Due to the certain factors (I’m beat, the rain and other details) this is going to be short –

More details on the radio gig - we have 7 1/2 minutes – which is okay some one else is about 4 and Stacy is about 3 (2:30 if we play very very fast) so that should work out with a few moments of ‘spontaneous’ banter. And the interview questions – again I’m not sure what the questions will be – how did you come to write the songs seems to be the one I figure on getting asked. Which I figure I will answer when I get the question. Cause it is going to take a while to make that stuff up.

No not really.

Seems to be a pretty nasty take down of Rudy in the Village Voice this week – not like Rudy really cares since nobody who reads the village voice is going to be voting for him anyway.

I never much under stood the cult of Rudy – right now of course he is going around the country telling swooning crowds that he is ready to personally bite off the testicles of any terrorist suspect to make them talk (Side note – at one time that was the way bulls were castrated somebody – who was either the biggest screw up on the crew or the meanest who then bit the testicles off of the calf - End side note) . This is par for the course in what has become the he man woman hater’s club esthetic of the race for the GOP nomination to get stomped like a narc at a biker rally - sorry the Republican nomination for President. Romey has claimed to want to double gitmo and Fred Thompson –who isn’t in the race but he wants to be pretty badly and will no doubt soon be in it – has in a response to a challenge to debate Michael Moore over health care said he should check himself into a mental hospital. (Which, actually, is kind of tough due to insurance requirements that treatment be cheap and quick, just saying.)

It’s interesting that the best coverage of any of the GOP guys currently is for Mr. Thompson who isn’t in the race just yet – and it’s a bit weird that he is being lauded for being a tough guy mostly because he’s played one on television or in movies – which shows mostly an ability to act, not exactly think.

But I suppose this swooning for Rudy and for Thompson is a measure of the nostalgia for the fetid corpse of Ronald Reagan and the horrible mess the man who was, until a little while ago Reagan’s political successor George W, has made.

I’ve always thought that what Reagan offered was not a new beginning but a dive into the river of denial which we all followed along cause well denial is easier than dealing with the real problem. I’ve done that too so I know what I’m talking about.

W seems to continuing to do his best to wreck everything he touches – this time managing to piss off the Russians when he really really needs their good will if he wants to do anything about the government of Iran – other than bomb it that is, unless maybe that is his idea.

And the immigration bill has managed to piss off one of his few remaining support groups – the nativist no-nothing section of the party that wants all Mexicans sent back to Mexico – right after the lawn is mowed, the fruit is picked and the kid is changed. Then they have to go. And they can’t want to stay here. Not at all.

Finally got the New Bob Dylan Album this week – haven’t listened to it enough to make a final comment but well – it’s good but I think the press has gotten into the habit of over-praising Dylan again – it isn’t up there what you could call the four sequoias of his career – Another Side of Bob Dylan, Bringing it all Back Home, Highway 61 Revisited and Blonde on Blonde but hell whose work is? And it’s not as bad as Slow Train Coming or some of the later 80’s albums. It’s good, but I’ll have to reserve judgment for a bit – hell it took him 5 years to write I can reserve judgment for a bit.


Diana Rigg Picture. Yes again.

Peace Love One more question.


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