Thursday, May 24, 2007

bad mood, congress, poems, and X files

Anxious for some reason – the sense of things not completed or being left hanging is nagging at me – maybe I just want this week to be over – maybe I just want to see if I can get a new gig someplace other than Otto’s – maybe I’m just in a mood. I don’t quite trust my judgment right now – there is a strong wish to push things that don’t need to be pushed, just to get them settled (badly but settled) – almost an urge to blow things up that well don’t have to be blown up.

So I’m snappish and irritable and will probably spend tonight with a violent video game – or one where I can chose the dark side instead of being a nice guy. And maybe that’s the problem, I keep on being a nice guy and not really allowing myself to get pissed cause well ‘nice guys don’t to that’. Anyway there are things in my life (no details folks cause they are boring) that I want settled – now – and it’s my bitter experience that when I am in this kind of mood , the very very very (and I mean the very) last thing I should be doing is trying to deal with any sort of interpersonal problem cause I’ll just a) assume things that aren’t true cause I’m in a mood (when I am like this my favorite exercise is jumping to conclusions) and b) get even more upset when I find out these things aren’t true. So it’s best I go home eat some comfort food and watch Godzilla movies until the mood passes, then when I’m a bit calmer and I don’t want to see things break and have some perspective then I can deal with it when I am more fit for human company.

As far as public things go – the cave in by congress to the wretched boy kings demands that he do exactly what he wants is deeply depressing to someone like me who despite by outward cynicism is really a very passionate believer in our system of government – but when men and women who should know better decide to sign over funds with no strings attached after they have been given a clear mandate from the voters that they want this madness to end and end as soon as possible.

We didn’t get that – we get mush mouthed platitudes about how the president has gotten a message or some such rot – let me clue you in spunky – he has not gotten a message other than you are worried that people are going to say bad things about you. You know I’d feel a little better if some of our dear leaders and congressmen were god damn willing to be talked about badly by the president and the other guys – I don’t know what the hell the world looks like from inside the beltway but I can tell you that out here in the world you guys look like spineless clowns caving into the fit tossed by a man who is intimated by the queen of England. I mean come the fuck on people grow a damn spine. You have traded human lives so your fucking contributions will keep flowing. How evil is that? I rather people think ill of me than let someone suffer or get killed for nothing but I guess that means I’m not congressional material.

Jesus – makes you want to break things. Or as per the picture above storm the palace or some such thing.

Meantime we have put a bunch of ships into the Persian Gulf to try and urge the Iranians to shoot at them (we call it maneuvers) so we can start a war by saying see, they shot first. I’m not sure what is going to happen over the next few days since Iran has its version of fact free reasoning neo-cons who would welcome the prospect of war with the US as a way to secure their dominance of the region. To do that, they really wouldn’t have to win per say, just survive – we don’t have the troops to occupy and nobody’s bombed anybody into surrendering yet – and also any attack on Iran would attract the attention of both China and a country we haven’t given much thought to lately but may need to is Russia who Putin is rapidly turning back into a one party state. I think it would be the height of the Karmic penalties of W’s hubris that he manages to not only cause chaos in the Middle East but start the cold war up again. Trouble is of course its other folks that would suffer for his pride.

War with Iran is just a stupid idea a blunder that any sane person should know will come back to bite us on the ass repeatedly with large teeth until it starts chewing the bone.

Only a complete lunatic would even contemplate the idea.

Well – that thought makes me nervous. And combine all this saber rattling at Iran combined with the recently singed executive order granting the president the powers of a Caesar under the conditions of a national emergency like say war with Iran, a war that starts to go badly and ends up disrupting oil supplies from the region – that would count as a pretty big emergency. Call me paranoid if you wish, but these are the guys who were trying to pin 9-11 on Saddam before the rubble finished falling and turning it to their political advantage and you have a nice little nightmare there.

Just flashed to the old Yeats poem the second coming – the part about where “The best lack all conviction, while the worst / Are full of passionate intensity” and there the lines from T.S. Elliot’s The Hollow Men

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.

Penny for old guy? Not likely old sport, money is very important here to important to just share.

Watched a couple more x-files the other night – coming away impressed by the huge body count in the show – there are usually at least three deaths an episode and they are usually pretty horrible no clean bullet wounds here.

“I’m Special Agent Mulder this is Special Agent Scully”
“Oh god I’m dead – I’m going to be eaten by the octopus”
Scully: Sir we’re in the middle of the desert and in any even Octopi are shy and…
Huge Tentacle emerges from the desert sands and drags victim under the sand.
Scully: That’s impossible –
Mulder: There have been several reports of aliens modify sea creatures to live in dry land conditions; there is an x-file from the early 1970’s detailing several attacks in which the victims all looked like they had been attacked by a shark in the middle of New York.
Scully: Mulder the land shark was a Saturday Night live skit
Mulder: But where did they get the idea yes?
Scully: from smoking dope maybe? The movie Jaws?

And so on.

Peace, love, Remember Remember the fifth of November.


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