Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Allergies, Jethro Tull and Liverpool

Well the grass has decided it’s time to insure that there will be more grass – and my head hurts and my throat hurts as well.

I don’t usually like to talk about allergies since anyone who bitches about pollen counts and the like is pretty much considered to be a self absorbed hypochondriac and probably flaky to boot. While I’ll cheerfully confess to being flaky and self absorbed, I’m not a hypochondriac – at least not a lot – and damn my throat bugs me, it’s sore my voice is raspy and it hurts to swallow.

This may be why I was so beat the last couple of days – allergic reactions set off responses in the immune system that can take a lot out of you – and that’s all for the trials and tribulations of my allergies.

And the less said of it the better.

Congress is going to pass some kind of spending bill for W that looks like he gets all he wants without any penalties – well why should this be any different than anything else he’s run – and he’s released some kind of intelligence to wit that the Iraq head of Al Queda (which as one must always remember didn’t exist until after we invaded) was told by Osama Ben ladden to prepare other attacks including those outside Iraq

Swell we go from not paying any attention to Osama to making it the reason we attacked Iraq – and ABC has said we are conducting covert operations against Iran in the effort to destabilize them (read goad into attacking us) . it’s things like this that make me just want to pop my Ed Wood Films into the DVD players and just beat my brain into submission so I don’t care so much about the stupid utter useless waste of human life the Iraq mess has been. Nobody else seems to get depressed about this – you look at the news and the papers and television it’s Paris Hilton and somebody’s hair. You wonder if this was what it was like in the last days of Rome or pre-revolutionary Russia or France just before the damn broke – The stupid and utterly self satisfied in positions of power and others acting as enablers because while yes what is happening is not good – to point it out would be bad form and might risk your position. Yes the barbarians will be flooding the city but until then you are well fed. The steak sir? Right away.

Listening to Tull for some reason – Jethro Tull to be exact – they are pretty much on the oldies circuit these days but they were big time once. And Ian Anderson’s snarky comments about war and religion seem to sadly enough have more relevance today than they did back in the 60’s and 70’s when he made them. At least here where being religious has gone from being religious to being very very concerned that somebody isn’t doing what you think they should be doing and attempting to get the state to enforce that.

It’s sad to think that these folks are considered religious rather than run out of town on a

Back to Tull for a second – they are probably infamous for winning the first ever heavy metal Emmy (issued some 15 years after the gene emerged) beating out Metallica. For me they are a guilty pleasure, very English – even with all their stylistic changes – prog rock to English folk stuff – and I like Anderson’s voice and flute playing.

On interesting thing is that W is such a bad politician that he actually has managed to piss off the only people who still support him – the Nativist, no-nothing hate brown people wing of the party with his work on the immigration bill, which isn’t a lot is far far more than the “Deport or shoot everybody” policy the nativists want – I mean it’s weird just how many times this clown can screw things up. He had an 80-90% approval rate at one point – you have to be a total screw up of cosmic proportions piss that away – Oh he is. Well carry on.

Will be watching Liverpool and AC Milan tonight for the WEFA Cup – I’ll be pulling for Liverpool but I expect AC to win – no I don’t like the idea but there you are. Not even that much of a Liverpool fan but as a fan of the English Premier league I’ll have pull for them. (Note – that I would not do if it was Manchester United or these days Chelsea – there are limits don’t you know).

People are waving papers time to go.

Peace Love, Aqualung, you’ll never walk alone.


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