Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Dazed

Memorial Day

Parades, flags, muffled drums, sales of electronic equipment, presidential speeches at Arlington and much pious talk about troops and such.

All has the feel of unreal theater, a sense I’ve had trouble not feeling these days when the vice president of the United States talks to cadets graduating from West point in sneering tones about the protections granted by the Constitution of the United States and the Geneva conventions. This for me pretty disturbing. Cheney’s position is one that comes from the Constitution of the United States, and the young men and women he made his comments to will, when they become officers of the United States Army will take an oath to preserve protect and defend the that selfsame constitution of the United States - not whatever strange and demented tribal vision of the country that Cheney has.

We were treated to the unedifying spectacle of the President of the Untied States at a press conference saying that if his policies were not followed terrorist would come and kill our children – then a bird shit on him.

We got to watch the minority leader of the house break into tears about 9-11 without somehow managing to make the connection between 9-11 and Iraq. Mostly cause there isn’t one.

The things are going great in Iraq story or e-mail is floating around again – at least we are spared the “it was just like this in Germany in 1945 after the war” nonsense because even the average man on the street knows we weren’t putting more troops into Germany and bombing Berlin in 1950 (I’m not sure about some Pundits however – I think they know the menus of the best restaurants the rest they kind of make up as they go along). Still I remember that there was a big big to do maid about the number of Cell Phones being sold in Iraq. (There was also one of the earlier signs of mendacity and utter incompetence of the US that shut down the Cell phone network the Iraqis had set up in favor of one that had paid a lot of money to the Occupation forces for the right) I forget the actual number but it’s a pretty big one.

One of the problems with that is that the insurgents use cell phones – like a lot. So this is not an alloyed piece of good news.

I’m not a big fan of Hillary (she seems too too much one of those with a finger in the air to see which way the wind is blowing and listens far to much to big money) and yet a) she knows her stuff like better than anybody else and b) having her, the symbol of evil feminist women for the right wing take the oath of office would be worth it to hear the heads explode on the right.

“I” Slpunk
“Hillary Rodan Clinton”
“Hillary Rodham Clinton” (there is a muffled thud as Sean Hannity’s head splits and a small melon falls out of his skull)
“Do hereby solemnly swear”
“Do hereby solemnly swear” (gurgling sound as Tucker Carlson strangles himself with his own bow tie)
“To preserve protect and defend” (Paul Wolfowitz kills himself with his comb – blaming it on the media)
“The Constitution of the United States”
“The Constitution of the United States” (at this point W has to be physically restrained from attacking Cheney – meantime Newt Gignrich and Rudy Guillian’s heads vanish in a puff of foul smelling green smoke.

By the by the phrase “so help me god’ is not in the oath of office in the Constitution (You can look it up).

Just heard a commercial about brain injuries – made my head hurt the classical radio station around here has a lot of commercials for heart hospitals, funeral parlors and the like. I guess the demographics are bit old for this station.

I had been listening to a public radio station but they decided to go with ‘let’s talk about stuff and maybe play a song or two’ formant – which bores the hell out of me.

I never got talk radio – yeah maybe a specific show about something but just having someone jabber what ever the hell came to their brains or lack of them for 4 hours – I never got Howard Stern (I listened for 4 months and laughed exactly once so I stopped) and Rush - well I don’t want to break the radio.

Sure I blog but that’s not talking and if I ever had a radio show I’d be a lot more interested in talking about music and playing than in listening to the sound of my voice.

Anyway on to music – I was watching No Direction Home the Bob Dylan film by Martin Scorsese and I was struck by a lot of things – one is that as much as I have heard Dylan sing I have rarely heard him talk so that his flat northern Midwestern accent always comes a surprise to me – the other deal was that the folk scene was as sanctimonious and as full of themselves then as they are now (with less reason now) and I’m not surprised Dylan just left them behind.

The other thing is that there is a scene in the film during Dylan’s England tour that the press is interviewing some kids who have walked out on the Bob’s show – and are talking to the eager press outside about how bad his new stuff is. Which as I am watching it am thinking – your have to feel like the biggest dorks in the world – that was Dylan and the band at full out white hot brilliance making some of the most amazing music you ever heard in your life and because bob is playing an electric guitar it sucks? God what closed minded twits.

Peace, Love. Hallowed Ground


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