Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Feeling Lazy and Men in Skirts fighting Killer puppets

Pics are up on earlier posts.

Tired today – I don’t quite know why – maybe I’m finally getting spring fever – there is a urge to do naught but snooze and such – watch the world go by – drift for a bit – drink beer in the beer garden – eat fatty foods gain weight – die of a heart attack - wait that’s not the plan. At least I don’t think so. Anyway - lets just say lazy is how I am feeling.

Things are slow at work – it’s a combination of the upcoming weekend, and there is a technical conference going on somewhere in the world, Vegas I think.

I’ve never gotten Vegas – not really, I don’t like to gamble and clubs and strip bars are not places I like to go – hell I’ve never been to strip club in my life – and at this point I don’t think I will end up in one – doesn’t appeal, not really. (Of course this means I’ll be living in one by the end of this year - it’s the way things work).

The Enemy Below and The Insect Girl are moving Saturday – I’ll be pitching in – after they last moved I suggested they didn’t get an apartment on the 2nd floor or a 2 story walk up. They didn’t – they have a new apartment on the 4th floor of a 4 story walk up. Even thinking about it makes my legs hurt – but it’s a very lovely place and they are well worth the hassle, so I’ll be schlepping on Saturday and popping aspirin and limping to the deli for more aspirin on Sunday.

Watched the end of Goliath and the Dragon last night – and that might account for the way I’m feeling – my brain is bruised and tired from being punched by this stupid movie that all it wants to go is go to sleep – like right now.

So of course the world being the world and the great magnet being the great magnet (we are all naught but iron filings in the field of the Great Magnet) suddenly I’m busy – so suffice to say don’t watch Goliath and the Dragon (which was a cut and paste job of an Italian film ) cause you have much better things to do with your life – like sort socks or just drift down stream on a sunny day or listen to music or birds or watch clouds go by or hit yourself on the head with a brick until the blood floods your eyes and ears and you can’t see or hear.

What you take away most from the movie is (aside from everybody is badly dubbed, the Men wear very short skirts, and people plot a lot by standing stock still and talking – this is a movie yes? So MOVE!) the silliness of the monsters – Goliath (actually it was Hercules but with someone else owning the movie rights to that name they couldn’t call him that) fights a dumb looking three headed dog like thing that dies pretty easy, what looks like a 6 foot tall flying cat/bat (he's actually kind of cute) a man in a bear costume (while not as fake as some of the gorilla costumes I have seen was pretty bad – I wouldn’t even use it as rug) and finally the titular Dragon – which looks more like something out of a kid’s show –
Announcer: Hey boys and girls let’s call Danny the Dragon! Hey Danny !

Danny: (in a modified goofy from Disney voice) Hey boys and girls great to see you again. Hey what’s that man with the knife gonna do to AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
Announcer: Oh no boys’ and girls the man just stabbed Danny in the eye. Well let’s go to the magic Blackboard then.

While Mark Forrest (who played Goliath/Hercules in this farce) was pinged for the woodenness of his acting, that self same woodenness served him in good stead as he tried to convince viewers that he was in a life and death struggle with a puppet. It didn’t work but he did try gamely.

No time to go into a few things 1) W thinks Al has done nothing wrong. How could he? All Al did was say yes all the time. 2) There is an executive order floating around that says, in case of emergency, the executive (i.e. W and Dick) would assume all the roles of the government until further notice. It’s just a little frightening to think about – for one W isn’t really at his best in emergencies – witness his aimless wanderings on 9/11 and his slow reaction to Katrina – so putting all the power in the hands of a guy like this is a very risky idea and then of course the idea of putting all the power into anybody’s hands – even during an emergency is so un-American I can’t even being to describe it. What this is talking about is setting up a mechanism for someone in the US to seize absolute power – that this isn’t making people more nervous, is making me nervous.

Peace Love Puppets



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