Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Allergies, Science and Hitchhiking

Well the grass is having sex and that is making my head hurt my nose stuffed and my breathing wheeze and I just feel like boiled hell. So this will be even less coherent than usual. And the stuff I took can make one a bit lightheaded so garbbale braokso warfen to my typing abilities (joke).

Speaking of Jokes – well it looks like the creation museum opened which teaches – if you can abuse the word 'teaching' like that - that that earth is only 6,000 years old. As per the rather elaborate computations of Bishop Ussher in the early 1600’s

To be fair to Bishop Ussher, well he was working with the best information he had when he tired to calculate the earth’s age. Geology hell science of any sort was still getting underway – Geology with its very distressing strata where not well understood then and wouldn’t be for a while yet – Lydell’s book with founds modern Geology was published in 1833 –

Lydell to slide even further from the point I was trying to make established the idea that the world we see has been created by the natural processes we see working to day, water wears down a stream bed bit by bit, the heating and cooling of rocks by the sun reduces them to dust and pebbles, the idea came be know as gradualism. The then current idea was that several catastrophic floods (the biblical flood being the last one) created the geological features of the earth. – Which by the 17th century they realized didn’t quite go along with the biblical record so they invented multiple floods to explain the strata and the fossils and such.

Anyway – where was I – like I said light headed today and not at my sharpest – so whoa shiny things – as a total side note to the above side note – speaking of the bible as history - there has been recently raised the idea that the Hyskos – foreign rulers of Egypt during the 15th dynasty (long time ago trust me) fled Egypt after their fall and their descendants became eventually the Hebrews. It, like a lot of other stuff about the bible and history is an interesting idea – but well that’s all it really is. And that ends the side side note.

Back to geology – can you hear me in the back – the idea is that even before Darwin if fact a long time before Darwin the idea that earth was almost immeasurably old was taking root in western science. Catastrophism was actually a pretty decent guess at the cause – you have whole worlds of unknown animals suddenly dying out and being replaced by others – you have a tradition of a huge flood – why not make it more than one? Yeah it’s not perfect but it’s not a bad first try dealing with the evidence.

So – anyway – back to the creation museum which seems to feel that teaching that the earth is about 4.5 billion years old directly leads to surfing for porn on the web – postulates that men and dinosaurs lived together, if not in harmony. Now in order for this to be true we’d have to toss most of what we know about Geology, Physics (radio carbon dating and radioactive decay and that we can see stars and galaxies and the like – those billions of light years - not to mention that pesky microwave background radiation stuff – at 6,000 years old we should be able to see – exactly none of all this.

And the history of life is not just dinosaurs – there are an entire world of what are called Mammal like reptiles (Synapsids – some of whom had that big fin on their back) that lived on the land long before the dinosaurs (320 Million years and then there is age of the mammals – if they are proposing – and they are – the man was contemporaneous with both T-Rex, the saber tooth tiger, woolly mammoths, Diplodocus, Dimetrodon, and everything frcking else – included dragonflies with a wingspan of a yard - I’d really like to see somehow try and explain how that ecosystem was supposed to work.

Saw Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy yesterday on the enemy below’s new television set – it’s a plasma or led or some such 42 inches long and doesn’t burn in when you play video games – an important consideration if you play video games. And the picture is just amazing – really.

Enjoyed the film - it was the second time I saw it – there were changes yes but a movie is not a book and not a radio or TV series so you have to make some changes. It had all the right stuff – including Marvin and added some nice new things like a visit to the home world of the vogons.

The screenplay was in development hell for about 20 years before the film got made – so things were bound to change. I suspect that some of the more Hollywood bits – like Arthur’s speech at the end about the only question that he wanted the answer to was ‘is she the one’ and that answer wasn’t 42 but yes were added later. Maybe Adams changed how he felt about things as the years went by, but the universe of the Hitchhiker’s Guide is pretty sardonic about, well, everything – so sentimental gibberish about ‘is she the one’ rings a very false note in the film especially when such thinking is not punished by some absurd but deadly way but rewarded.

Full disclosure – I don’t think there is ‘the one’ out there. That comes from personal experience – the times I thought that well – suffice to say it’s why I view romance with the same unabashed enthusiasm that I save for things like allergy season, GOP Politics and sticking your hand in a stump grinder and then turning it on.

Other than that –it was pretty good.

Peace love 42


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