Friday, June 15, 2007

Disasters and Starcrashes and Mancrushes

Well the Mets are coming into Yankee Stadium the way the Hindenburg came into New Jersey in flames with people trying to escape or flee the wreck. The papers are all in a fine fettle – Rocket vs. the Duds was the Daily News Headline – The Post had some kind of cartoon featuring a huge and confident Yankee and a childlike Met cowering in fear or some such celebration of bullydom – the Times had a story on a golf tournament. Still from the coverage you’d think the parade was tomorrow. The tabloids haven’t been this ecstatic about the Yankees since July 2004 when with a 10 game or so lead they were going to play the Red Sox in Boston – I remember the News’ headline was “it’s over” saying the Sox were done for the season. And we all know how well that prediction turned out. It's the kind of straw you grasp at as all the worries you had about the coming season come true all at once.

Still it’s just shows how bad the rest of the NL east is that the Mets are still in first place as of today. Maybe not by Monday however.

I’m told that Philly fans are worried about the Marlins. I hope that is not true – because that would mean Philly fans are morons.

This is also the first real rough patch Willie Randolph has had to endure as a manager of the Mets – we’ll see how he does.

Watched Starcrash last night – and oh my sweet lord what a horrible film – I need to watch it again and take notes because this, this is classic horrible film – it has it all bad acting, horrible dialogue, absurd and pointless plot, and ridiculous special effects. It’s a perfect storm of dumb here. I’m just in awe here, really a train wreck of cosmic proportions.

Again a full review will have to wait for the second viewing – but a few notes:

The film was made in Italy - it was shot in about a week after the huge success of Star Wars - I can only assume Christopher Plummer (who was in the film) was on vacation in Italy and decided to extend it a bit.

What was with the robot with the Texas accent? I mean it's the future. Right? Or the past? Right? Is there still a Texas?

Who told Margo Gortner he could act?

The evil baron during the pointless battle toward the end of the film spent the entire time wandering around yelling “kill! Kill!”. These guys are soldiers they are in a battle - you think you could come up with something more useful to say or do than just walking about yelling kill kill? How about getting reinforcements?

“Kill! Kill!”
“Yes sir we’re doing that. We have guns and we are shooting them. What the hell else do you want us to do?”
“Kill! Kill!”
“Oh thank you sir – we were wondering what to do.”

And in space you can just shatter a window and nothing happens - or jump out of a hole in the ship?

My head hurts - I need to see this one again. I swear one of the cave man (don’t ask) was the lead cave man in The Cave Dwellers. Now that's a sign I have no life at all yes?

Other things:

Chris Matthews is a very strange person – why he has a show on TV is a bit beyond me. He as talking about Fred Thompson (who is currently the great white hope of the GOP since the powers that be figure Romney is total tool and Rudy scares people because he looks like a living skull) and started speculating about his sex appeal and what he smelled like.

A quote: (From Crooks and Liars)

“Can you smell the English leather on this guy, the Aqua Velva, the sort of mature man’s shaving cream, or whatever, you know, after he shaved? Do you smell that sort of — a little bit of cigar smoke?”

Listen in the first place Fred Looks like a thumb I mean I have more sex appeal. And who the hell gives a shit what he smells like? Who the fuck even thinks about things like this? It’s a new level of creepy for Chris. This babble is more like a fantasy memory of his own dad – who for all we know reeked of bourbon and cigarettes and hit him a lot when he wasn’t passed out drunk.

Another thing, Thompson has made quite a bit of money acting and what not – so honestly I’d very much doubt that he’s splashing his face with mass market stuff like Aqua Velva or English Leather – one thing you can count on with the GOP is conspicuous consumption – hell the dude’s got a trophy wife (that always looks in pictures like she’s being held hostage) no Aqua Velva for him. Yeessh.

Between Chris’s weird man crushes and the twit on meet the press (who isn’t even a journalist by the by) who keeps on jabbering bout Big Russ you have folks with pretty serious dysfunctions. Love my dad but hell I don’t worship him and I’m not waiting for him or what ever damn psychic projection of him to take my problems away.


Peace Love Burma shave!



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