Thursday, May 03, 2007


No time to blog today – been trying to spring clean the apartment –the trouble is that the apartment is as cluttered as my head so – after hours and hours of cleaning and tossing stuff (with the usual what the hell was I saving this for? Moments) I’m shagged out and yet not anywhere close to being done – there is a closet that I’ve stuffed all sorts of things to – it’s almost my guilt closet and I’m scared to look at it – maybe this weekend. I’m halfway afraid that it is now home to a huge god of guilt as did Dirk Gentley’s Fridge in The Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul (which along with Dirk Gentley’s Holistic Detective Agency both by Douglas Adams both well worth you time reading)

The cat herding continues – someone has someplace to be Friday so in order to get at least a bit of rehearsal with her we’re going try and push the time up – and well we’ll see what else can be done. It’s enough to make you want to go back to a duo again – well not really Spencer hasn’t ever given us any of these hassles and thank god for that yes? Yes.

Like I said no time today – saw The Flesh Eaters last night – silly but not as god awful as I was expecting – still the Male lead was a jerk who spent most of his time yelling when not making moves on the movie stars secretary – and there was an embarrassing piece of comic relief when some kind of proto hippie/beatnik lands on the island with a raft. More on this tomorrow – I hate comic relief by the way – Doctor X featured almost nothing but comic relief. It’s better if the comic relief comes from the main people involved in the action not from a character who’s only role in a film is yuck it up – the only good thing about that is typically they are eaten first.

Like I said no time.

Peace Love scrubbing bubbles.


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