Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Band Stuff, Vampries Roger flesh eating and this and that

Off to the open mike at Waltz – going to try out a couple of newer songs and maybe flog the gig. Maybe. It just doesn’t seem like we get anywhere with it, maybe cause we are there a lot.

Anyway my cousin was telling me about this book called the long tail which I haven’t read just yet – I’ve got a few books on the list – Imperial life in the Emerald City a book about Iraq which I plan to read and get all depressed about as it proves once and for all that not only was Invading Iraq a stupid idea in the first place the stupid continued until we have the mess we have now.

W has claimed that the spending bill he vetoed would leave Iraq in Chaos. Just how would we be able to tell the difference?

‘n back to the long tail – the major thrust of this book is the net has given folks a chance to find their audience better than before by say in music sidestepping the major labels. Well I’m kind of all for side stepping the majors but there are scads of problems I can see – I’m not sure and I’m not who if anybody knows how to find your customers in this day and age especially if you are such a niche – okay lets say cult act as we are – I mean as much as I love what we do there is no way we are a mainstream act – which is okay but how the hell do we find the sick bastards who want to hear our stuff? At least enough of them to fill a room when we play – because I can’t figure it out. I may be stupid but I can’t be that stupid.

I’m not really sure that the new age of the internet is going to really bring about a new wave of new acts, cause we really haven’t see it – what seems to be happening is lots of folks are making lots of great music but making the connection is harder than ever.

I mean out current goals aren’t much – I just want to smash a guitar – which we will do once we get one hundred paying customers.

Well part of this is we gotta wait for the cd to show up – it’s going to get done somewhere between August and October. I’m not thrilled but well Tim’s very good and very good (especially with the low rate he gave us) takes time.

Hell who knows – maybe a battle of the bands – get tossed out of that the moment we sing Stacy – well we might get some publicity anyway.

Was going to watch either the flesh eaters or Vampirella last night sleep just got in the way. Still these look promising – The Flesh Eaters has the same desperate grayness that made Horror of party beach the slog through hell that it was and Vampirella features Roger Daltrey of the Who with Vampire Fangs which explains to me anyway why, no matter how much trouble he had with the Who, why he stuck with it – Side note – during the rehearsals of Quadrophia Pete took some exception to the way Roger was singing, Roger slanged him right back and then Pete whacked Roger with his Guitar, at which point Rodger beat the living shit out of Pete and had to be dragged off by the other members of the band and crew. By the time they did Who Are You things in the band were so bad that they wouldn’t even be in the studio at the shame time. End Side note.

I mean I love Roger to death but man does he do a bad vampire – then again from what I’ve seen nobody in that film can act – Especially the lead. And the film doesn’t really make a lot of sense so far - Vampirella is said to be from the planet Draculon – along with Rodger and his crew – some 30,000 years ago (per the film) Roger and his crew killed Vampirella’s dad – they escape to “the third planet a primitive one” and then the film shifts to the present day – where we see some kind of underground secret base with some kind of x-files/Ghostbusters stuff going on, the space shuttle returning from mars (?) what looks like a bat (and of course you now it is a bat) and the Vampirella shows up –
And she can’t act. She looks nice but she can’t act. And oh yes they did change the costume – not surprised the one piece thing from the comic book would only work in well comic books. Still not a lot is left to the dirty mind. When I left the film she had just saved a computer geek who will assist her and worship her like an adolescent geek does the whole film (I’m guessing here but I know bad films).

The Flesh eaters is some variant on the mad doctor on the island in that someone there a Nazi scientist has been breeding flesh eating protozoa’s – how this was going win world war 2 for the Germans is a bit beyond me but the film was shot in 1964 so maybe the Nazi Scientist has decided to move on. I’ll know better when I’ve seen it all. Best stupid line so far is when male lead – a down and out charter pilot flies a drunken actress and her secretary over his own objections to somewhere – the charter company’s radio operator or some controller lady who is obviously in love with the pilot says “you big lug” after chewing him out for flying into a storm.

I suspect the serious dumb is coming. As I said more later. I needed my sleep.

Albert Gonzales is no going to go and say “I don’t remember” and variants to the House – this could have more sparks than the senate, since yet more bad things about how Al was running the Department of Justice have come out – including giving the power to hire and fire any non-civil Service employees to two young women out of the Pat Robison Law school who’s name I forget. In the Soviet Union these people were called the optical officers and were a feature of every government function in the Soviet Union – don’t toe the line you are out. I expect Al to forget even more.

The House Majority leader is making weird noises that he prefers the GOP house plan (benchmarks which have proven meaningless) as opposed to Murtha’s short leash where he gets two months of funding and then they have to come back and the house gets another shot at pulling the pug on this. Okay now if memory serves the house Majority leader is a member of the democratic party – why he is now supporting an idea from the GOP that didn’t work before and won’t work now is a bit tough to under stand. I mean if the American people had wanted meaningless benchmarks they would have voted for the GOP what the hell is the problem do the job we elected you to do.
This is the guy Nancy tried to replace with Murtha when congress convened. I wonder why.

Peace Love impossible swimsuits


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