Monday, April 23, 2007

Workshops and an old Movie

Not a lot of time for writing today – off to meetings this afternoon and like all day tomorrow – we’re doing some reorganizing of procedures and well there you are. So this (I promise) will be very short.

Had first workshop for the musical Saturday – went well per the enemy below and since this is his area of expertise I will go along with this. Still after it was over I asked him “to paraphrase blazing saddles – do we have a viable project or are we just jerking off?”

“We have a viable project”

So, based on what we heard (and it is a damn funny feeling hearing a song you wrote or co-wrote being sung by someone else) we need to finish up one song – get the first damn song written (it’s the most conventional of the group) and then try and get the book (i.e. the words people say when they are not singing) written. This could be tough – I’m okay with smart ass dialogue and weird fantasies about what goes on behind the doors of the oval office when nobody is looking but writing words that an actor can say without looking like an idiot (unless we need him or her to look like an idiot at that moment), that’s not quite my forte. And forget writing dialogue on a world were people break into song and it doesn’t seem forced as hell. We’re trying to stay away from “So tell me how you feel Sammy” kind of dialogue.

The interesting upshot from the Attorney Generals crash and burn in front of the Senate last week is the sense, well since he wasn’t in charge and can’t say why the firings took place, make the White House knows. It wouldn’t be the first time this group has been too clever for their own good – by having Albert stonewall they have aroused more suspicion than if they had just tossed Al under that bus.

Mets did not do well this weekend – not the end of the world but still not good either.

Didn’t watch a bad movie this weekend – how about that? Did watch the most dangerous game – which proved that repressed folks can make very twisted stuff. The Atmosphere is oddly enough like that of the old Val Newton Cat People there is a palpable sense of decay, diseased sexuality and just plain old insanity. Faye Wray was in this one (she was doing this the same time she was filming King Kong -). Faye plays a lady named Eve who was shipwreck on the island of the Russian count what hunts people with her sot brother (Robert Armstrong who was also in Kong) .

There is an interesting piece of iconography that pops up early in the film – the door knocker of the castle is shaped like a Centaur carrying off a woman – an additional odd detail is the Centaur has been wounded by an arrow. This figure also features in the main room of the castle were it is on an enormous tapestry on the wall near the stairs – the tapestry adds on detail a bowman who has just shot the centaur as he carries away the lady.

It was interesting that the commentary track did not pick up on the arrow sticking out of the Centaurs chest – he recognized that the centaur was a symbol of twisted violent desire but he missed on exactly where the image came from – it’s a classical moment – the Centaur Nessus attempts to carry away Hercules' wife, the arrow, shot by Hercules, was poisoned and the poison eventually causes Herks own death later. Nessus, as he lay dying, lied to Herks wife saying if she ever doubted Hercules’ faithfulness she should take his blood and put it and shirt and have Hercules wear it. Later, because Greek myths are all about people doing really what they shouldn’t – I mean why trust a Centaur who just tried to rape you? – dose just that and the poison causes Herk such pain that he has a funeral pyre built and lit and he goes into it.

I’m quite sure what the idea using this scene is – it could be the director is trying to point out how crazy the Count what hunts folks is while showing a) a symbolic representation of his underling madness and b) that while the count may identify himself with Hercules (he uses a bow during the hunt) he is really the centaur (the Count’s Mortal wound is caused by one of his own arrows) or that the Counts own obsessions (hunting) will destroy him in the end. It’s kind of twisted.

This was also the early 30’s the lean years of the great depression – there was a sense of sickness and decay and loss across the land so all this kind of fits.

Last point before I go – Faye Wray character is a person who knows a lot of what is up and is aware of the danger before either her brother or the male lead is – she’s not a silly little ditz – which helps in this film, when she gets scared you know it’s something real not a shadow.

Peace Love Centaurs


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