Thursday, April 19, 2007

Gun Porn and Bugs of Blue

Well I guess it was inevitable after it was discovered that the killer in Virginia had mailed a package of audio and video tapes and what was described as a rambling letter (shit the man had just shot two people to death and was about to shoot as many as he could before killing himself – what the hell did they expect Tomas Paine?) of which copies were sent to Feds.

However the morning papers were all graced with a picture of the shooter either pointing a gun directly at the camera or holding two guns like he was someone in a Hong Kong action film. Great

They are publishing the killer’s Gun porn.

It’s God Damn Gun porn. It’s the only way you can describe it. America loves its guns and part of it is this preening with pistols bullshit. And way to make this fucker a folk hero to the very very disturbed among us guys – Christ who knows someone right now may be sitting in their room, with a mind gone completely wrong, just a hell broth of rage frustration isolation, loathing of the world and the self raised to a fever pitch, with plenty of god damn plain insanity, someone like that sitting there watching all the news outlets wallow in who the shooter was, showing us his videos reading us his letter, printing his pictures on the cover of the magazines and news papers. Who is to say that this won’t become a seed crystal in a mind already supersaturated with madness and provide that last little push needed for action? Maybe not now but who knows maybe part of this bastard’s motive was to emulate the Texas Tower shooter. Get on TV.

Yes the videos should be read and studied but by doctors and law enforcement people with the idea of trying to learn more of the warning signs and what can happen to a sick human mind. Maybe manage to save some lives down the line by knowing more about how to spot and stop the madness that left 33 dead. There is a reason for that.

There is no fucking reason, other than ratings and to sell papers, to plaster the shit all over the airwaves and the Newspapers. Nobody benefits from this except for our need to see freak shows. We keep hauling out the loser who shot John Lennon – why? Who gives a damn about him?

Sorry I have to go scrub my brain for a bit.

Okay about the picture. This is Le Bug of Blu in his new costume – he is the online character that I play the most often in city of heroes the online game that I play in lieu of getting a life. He is a French martial arts master – yes French. He talks like Inspector Clouseau and fights like Batman. It’s a silly combination that allows me to indulge in the silliest kind of stage Frenchman stuff “Zut ‘lors!” and ‘Scare Blu” (which I am informed is no longer a common French expression) and to say things like “So you run from zee French no?” when the bad guys take off. It’s all great silly fun. The Bug thing is my weird tribute to The Blue Beetle but it fits the French thing somehow.


Having a very tough time getting through 2889 AD – part of the problem with Buchman (whatever I’m to lazy to even bother to this guys name up) is his utter inability to film action – for example – right after the red neck with the jugs sees the young woman in the upstairs window, he takes a swig of the jug and then hides it. Then he sort of leans against a tree. Shot of Man (girls boyfriend) lounging outside. Girl sees redneck and screams (well who wouldn’t) Boyfriend starts and runs in direction of scream – cut to.

Now a director who knew what the hell he was doing (I’m trying to not keep dropping the f bomb but this clown makes it sooo hard so very very hard to do that – to continue) a director who was invested in making a film that people would be looking at would show the collision between the Redneck and the boyfriend. Right? A Martian would do that – Ed Wood would do that. A box turtle on crack would do that.

Larry doesn’t do that.

What we see is a) boyfriend running and then b) the redneck and the boyfriend hitting the ground – we never see the impact – what the hell was the problem? The camera wasn’t filming? Sweet lord this makes Manos look like it was filmed by David Lynch? You couldn’t re-shoot? I mean even William One-shot Boudine wasn’t this bad.

It makes the baby Jesus cry.

I’ll try more tonight but I’m not sure how long I can go – it’s a hard damn slog.

Meantime Gonzales on the hot seat in the Senate has uttered one of the world class whoppers when talking about meetings and such that led to the firings: “I now understand that I had a conversation with the PRESIDENT. “

What. The. Fuck.

Did you meet in dark underground parking garage where you couldn’t see who the man was who was talking to you? Or do you suffer from Multiple Personality Syndrome and one of you other personalities say Bill was running the show that day.

Who else but a lying weasel talks like this?

Peace, Love, Le Bug of blue.


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