Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Day after

Hard to be amusing or anything thinking about 32 dead kids in Virginia. Some details are coming out but to be honest I don’t have the heart to read them. Some nonsense was already flowing about how if people had more guns things would have been different. Until we know the details that’s just lizard brain talk – only someone absolutely terrified of daily life would bring a gun into his or her class every damn day on the off chance that a mad gunman would come bursting through the door. It’s no way to live.

Grey gloomy day in the big apple. It’s been gray or raining since Sunday and it’s getting to me. I’m lethargic and my brain feels like it has been replaced by something full of heavy mush or some kind of plaster.

But at least we have a new gig – May 18th at Otto’s Shrunken Head – no provided we have the date right (I’ve checked) at least we will play a full set. Again we hope to have a least one special guest play with us that day – maybe more. We’ll have to see.

Going to be working on the musical for the next couple of weeks. Per the Enemy Below we have the room to do the workshop and now we need some people to show up. Ins’t it always the case.

I suppose you could, if you wanted to, have a band that really didn’t play for people but played music in a basement doing its own thing but that seems to somehow miss the point of doing music. In some weird way the piece of music only exists when it is being played – as Frank Zappa said, the notes on a page are only the recipe ‘and unless you are very weird you don’t eat the recipe” like a play is only a play when people are on stage performing it – and the experience of playing is different from what happens when you are listening to it. I find a world of difference between playing tangled up in blue and listening to it on my I-pod. For on thing I’m not worried about getting the chords right when I’m listening to it. I’ve noticed that when I’m playing out I have to not listen too closely to what Spencer is playing when he goes off during Stacy and No Promotion cause well I’ll just drift (cause he plays so good) and forget when I’m supposed to come back in and sing.

The Gonzales hearings have been pushed back a day – just as well gives him more time to remember what the hell lies he wants to say. I mean they have been coaching him non stop for days now – how hard can this be. I mean I know he’s going to lie his ass off again when he gets up there but how hard can it be to come up with a plausible lie and learn how to say it. This makes me suspect that not only is Gonzales an unprincipled opportunist who’s greatest skill was telling the boss exactly what the wanted to hear – he’s also as dumb as a post.

Speaking of which – W had some kind of harangue/guilt trip attempt in Washington about the funding bill before he dashed to the photo op at Virginia Tech. I’m not sure just what good he and Dick Cheney think they are doing here with this non-stop yelling, I suspect it is being counter productive, voters don’t like being hectored, neither do congressmen and women who by and large got an earful from their voters the major trust being why there weren’t doing more to hold W and Cheney’s nuts to the fire on Iraq.

I remember before this congress began all the talking pundit heads were saying that they weren’t going to be bale to influence W’s war in Iraq because they wouldn’t dare use the power of the purse – well now that they did the talking heads are saying how bad it was that they did this and how they will have to break in the end.

By the way – should W veto the bill and they send another more restrictive bill, it won’t be a constitutional crisis – the folks what wrote the constitution decided it would be a bad idea to give the executive blank checks for overseas adventures and gave congress the power of the purse. It’s working the way it should it’s not a crisis. A crisis would be if W decided, after the end of his term to declare martial law to hold onto power. That would be a crisis.

There is some silly film coming out with Beatles songs as the soundtrack (cover songs actually) Across the Universe. It looks go awful and a very pretentious way and I think will stand beside Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts band movie and All this and World War 2 as the worst use of Beatles tunes as a sound track to a film. I would also like to point out that the Beatles broke up in over 37 years ago and as such doesn’t really make them cutting edge yes? And the male lead is going to be named Jude so they could use the song Hey Jude. Gwakk. Why not Hey Bulldog or You know my name look up the number? And the female lead is named Lucy – Jesus why not Eleanor Rigby? Or Julia or no name at all?

The director while doing the very good Firda also did the complete mess that was Titus -which is what this is looking like.

Peace Love and kittens

Pic is from the daily kitten – a little fuzz is needed I think.


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