Monday, April 30, 2007

Lady Vampires and Massages

It ended up a busier weekend than I had intended so I didn’t get as far with my Zontar Thing of Venus/ it conquered the world killer essay comparison and review – mostly because every time I thought of something about Zontar there was a nearly overwhelming urge to gab the bourbon and seek oblivion. Or howl with pain – so that will have to wait a bit.

Still more utter trash heading my way – someone made a movie of Vampirella – now when I was a young teenager there was a black and white horror comic book called Vampirella – featuring lushly done covers of a black haired woman who was also impossibly endowed, a vampire who was not wearing very much – the costume was odd as hell – a kind of one piece red thing with a yellow bat on the crotch (no I don’t have the slightest idea what that was about) – add to this big black boots and you have something that twisted my mind into weird knots . (Looking at this now I am amazed at all the fetishes they managed to cram into one character). It was not really a comfortable feeling.

Naturally my local candy store didn’t much truck with kids buying this kind of stuff – the magazine was kept up away from the comics rack and was placed by the ‘adult’ magazines of the era – which was playboy and the sleazy ‘true confession’ and the ‘True Detective’ magazines “I was a gunman’s moll.” “My husband was a secret Sex maniac”. And the like. This was not for kids. (and the grumpy old guy and the even grumpier old lady who ran the place made sure that kids didn’t get it)

Anyway as I was going through nextfilx I saw they had made a movie of this. It’s on its way – actually the only thing I’m really curious about – aside from how bad the film is going to be is how they managed to keep the actress in the damn costume.

“Harry I need more tape - I keep popping out of this”

“okay okay – Bill, bill? Will you stop staring, put the damn tit back in and tape it down? Geeze I got to hire more gay guys.”

Ah yes memories and a twisted mind. Good times.

Speaking of twisted – the phone and customer lists and other stuff relating to the DC Madame – has taken down it’s first hypocrite – one Randall Tobias Aids Czar and tireless advocate of abstinence has resigned because it turned out he was using the Madame’s services for a massage at his condo. There was no sex involved.

Right. And I’m Marie of Romania to quote Dorothy Parker.

I mean Jesus if you want a massage for real there are any number of licensed legitimate massage therapists in the phone book who will come over and (for a lot less than what the Madame charged I should think) okay so they probably won’t be zee hot babes and they won’t put oil on Mr. happy and – well - make it happier, but since you’re Mr. Abstinence that shouldn’t be a concern right? You just want a massage.

God in heaven is there a single republican in any office in the land that isn’t a flaming hypocrite or corrupt thief? (Still sex for hire is pretty non-denomination in DC so I’m expecting more than a few members of the Democratic Party to get caught up in this – with luck they’ll be on the DLC)

And in the most jaw dropping part of this story he goes on to say that he has been recently using a service ‘with central Americans” to provide his more recent ‘massages’ (any reporter with an ounce of initiative – which lets out the white house beat writers I know – but still any reporter with anything resembling reporting skills is busy tracking down the firm that supplies this guy his ‘Central America” massage ladies.

Yeesh. People.

I suspect W will veto the bill – it’s a stupid thing to do – but W doesn’t care about it being a stupid thing – all he’s trying to do now is hang on until the end of this term and let whoever is president next deal with getting us out of the mess.

It’s a bit more fun being a Met fan than a Yankee fan these days – although I would say to the Yankee fans I know 1) if A-rod hadn’t of been so hot, it could be a lot worse and b) it’s April for Pete’s sake. Honestly for a team that has won so many championships and the bloody division every year since 98 or 97 (I forget cause deep in my heart I don’t care) the fans are awfully brittle. I’d hate to see how they would deal with a streak of 20-30 years between World Series appearances.

We’ve spent 300 BILLON dollars in Iraq and all we have to show for it are buildings that are crumbling, broken plumbing and electrical systems that don’t work. Apparently all Halliburton is good at is stealing government money.

I don’t get the point of the NFL draft coverage other than it’s cheap for espn to do.

Bill Moyers is making the various talking heads look like idiots. Which is a good thing. Cause they are idiots. Or actually act like idiots. They are well paid so they aren’t utter idiots who would do it for bits of string or bark.

Peace Love Massages


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