Friday, March 23, 2007

Fridays and things

Nothing much going on at work – it’s a Friday however I expect things to get mad later in the day.

I’ve never been a big fan of Fridays – yeah I know there is the ‘thank god its Friday’ thing (and a bad disco movie if memory serves (no I won’t do that one – I draw the line at disco - really) but in my personal experience Friday is when a lot of people realize they haven’t done anything all week and panic completely disrupting everything. The worst are the hours from 2-5 cause you know that somebody is going to show up with a complicated problem that needs the input of 8 people and the approval of 2 more and has, just has to, with out question, be done by the end of the day or fate will be dire.

It never helps to see that the paperwork you are looking at is usually three weeks old.

Out in the word there is much stuff.

There has been some kind of incident in the Persian Gulf where Iran has taken prisoner or taken into custody 15 British sailors who the Iranians claim were in Iran’s territorial waters. It just happened so no real details are known – and of course rumors will fly. I am hoping this doesn’t turn out to be the Iranian Gulf of Tonkin moment.

Karl Rove has been popping up like a whack a mole all over the Attorney General mess – the latest is that he pushed to get an aide of his appointed Attorney General in Arkansas (where Bill Clinton was from).

I remember back in the day, there was an effort by Richard Nixon’s boys to use the IRS to punish political enemies. This is worse – it looks like the justice department was being made or was made into an arm of the GOP. (combine this with the suspension of Habeas corpus and those overseas prisons and you have everything the Russians had except putting the prisoners to work in the mines in Siberia – now of course folks will say the white house wouldn’t use its power to take out political opponents but as of right now there is precious little to prevent them other than perhaps a worry they might get some bad press if they disappeared a Senator – that’s not that reassuring)

As I said I’ve been listening to the Who – and well the early Who are problematic – Pete was still finding his voice as a song writer a lot of these songs sound like they were written because Pete felt he had to, there’s a paint by numbers aspect to his early ‘pop’ tunes (esp. the sad love songs) – and Rodger was vocally under wraps singing way too high in his range to generate any power – and the band just didn’t sound like The Who – yeah it was Pete, Keith, John and Roger but the well bite was missing – save for My Generation and some of the singles most of the recordings are very very well tinny almost watery – they remind me for some reason of the weak mix on the first three Blue Oyster Cult albums. And some stuff just doesn’t work – like the second side of the Who Sell out – the first side recreating the sound of Pirate AM radio works – the second – not so much (weaker songs for one thing I mean Rael? What the hell were they thinking? At least Pete snatched a bit from it to use in Tommy.) And Tommy is a pretty thin mix as well – however that was I’m thinking because they needed to be able to play this live – add too much stuff and they would be SOL .

It’s why life at Leeds – even in its original vinyl format was such a shock – at lest to anybody who had only heard the band on the radio – on stage everything with the Who went to 11.

More later.

I have as far as movies are concerned an ration of complete shit is heading my way Eye Creatures, Zontar thing from Venus, It’s alive, Year 2889– oddly enough they are all the work of Larry Buchanan who did the horrible Curse of the Swamp Creature. I didn’t intend that to happen it was just the whim on Netflix.

After that – provided I survive – my second Ed Wood review – Bride of the Monster. God help me.

Peace Love Tor Johnson


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