Thursday, March 15, 2007

Weather and stuff and singing

Well something’s up – I don’t know what but something is up

Enough paranoia – time to complain about the weather.

After a few nice days – tonight it will be cold and if it’s not raining it’s going to be snowing and if it’s not snowing, it will be sleet. Yes I know it’s not quite spring yet and yes I know as the folks at the weather channel like to tell us March is a transition month but really could it have killed the universe to wait one more day before shifting back to winter? We play tonight – at the Waltz and instead of the balmy temperatures of the last few days anybody coming out will have to brave sleet snow and rain.

Quickly noted in the news – the man identified as Al Quieda’s number 3 (there have been a plethora of Number 2’s so at least this is new) has, according to the Military has confessed to masterminding, well, everything from 9/11 to the shoe bomber. I find it amazing that he didn’t confess to stealing W’s daughter’s purse in Argentina.

Listen kids, I don’t mean to skeptical but dig - He’s been in held in Gitamo for years – and while the defense department and the CIA have already said they don’t torture – what they don’t consider torture would get them hauled up in front of The Hague if they were foreigners doing this to Americans. Now in addition to torture being immoral and something that still makes me sick to my stomach to think we, the good guys and if one believes some of the commentators on the right defenders of western civilization itself – are doing the wire to the body parts bit – and twisting and spinning to make insist we aren’t torturing.

Now they said they didn’t torture this guy. Right. If not him (the number 3 man at Al Quieda), why did they go to such lengths to justify torture? Why twist yourself into knots to get the right to zap someone’s testicles and then not do it? Really. That stretches credulity to the breaking point.

My real problem with the confessions is this – torture is not much good for getting information – that is real information you can use – what it is good for - and why Hitler and Stalin and the Inquisition we so fond of it – is in extracting confessions. During the witch trails women confessed to sleeping with Satan, flying on broomsticks and withering crops. They didn’t do that, but they said they did to stop the torturer from breaking each bone in their hands with a mallet or stretching them on the rack or crushing their legs with rocks or – well the mind of man is pretty inventive –the point being at some point the victim will say whatever they think the torturer wants to hear. It’s why, in normal courts, confessions extracted under duress are simply tossed but why say Stalin used them so much.

So you have to wonder here how much is true and how much he just made up to tell the CIA something they wanted to hear in the first place. This has two outcomes: One – as a source this guy’s usefulness is zero since he’ll babble anything people want to hear now and Two) because this guy’s confessed to all this crimes the push to investigate the crimes goes away – hey we got the confession yes? So what if maybe it’s not true and that the real perps are free and clear, he confessed right?

Meantime, back in DC – the magic word ‘subpoena’ has been mentioned in connection with the Attorney General’s mess. And Sen. Sununu – the son of John Sununu the guy W fired on behalf of his dad – just took the chance to stick the knife in and say that Gonzales should be fired. This is going to get worse.

What’s going to make it worse is the fact that the DA’s were fired because they resisted using their office as a political weapon on behalf of the GOP and the White House – which even for people appointed at the pleasure of the President is asking them to do something beyond the pale.

Well enough politics – god it’s getting messy no? Let’s see what the hearings show.

Baseball comes apace – the Mets haven’t been tearing up the league much but I’m not sure that’s a good or bad thing - I don’t like it but I’m a fan I want them to win each game.

Pretty good open mike last night – Tim got to see the beast in live action and I have to complement him for keeping a straight face when I put the wrestling mask on and did the ‘Hannibal lector’ part of “I’m Sorry”. It tends to effect people.

We have a gig coming up after this one tonight so if you can’t make this one do not despair – there is another on the way.

Had a quick talk about maybe at some point doing an internet pod cast – it could be fun spinning some favorite songs like oh

“TV Set” – the Cramps
“Cheepnis” Frank Zappa
“Gay Bar” Electric Six
“Pin head” Ramones
“They’re coming to take me away ha-ha” Napoleon XIV. (Love this to death).


Peace Love – see you tonight.


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