Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Work and Firesign

Well happy news on the job front – our company isn’t doing well so we will have to toss some more virgins into the volcano – sorry reduce operating expenses. While at one point I can understand this – the fact is once again when I sit at my desk and look up I can see the working man’s version of the sword of Damocles hanging over my head.

Somebody tell me again why I shouldn’t have tired to be an artist full time when I was wondering what to do with my life? Oh that’s right security. You’ll have a job, you can do the other stuff anyway – this way you’ll be secure.

Uh-huh right.

Once again I’m forced to contemplate not the possibility of quitting my day job but the possibility of my day job quitting me. So once again there’s that sword over my head.

And while we’re at it – let us reexamine the story of the sword of Damocles. In the original story Damocles is a member of the court of Dionysius I the Tyrant (they were a bit more honest in those days about titles) of Syracuse (circa 400 bc or so). At one point he said he envied Dionysius his power and good fortune – Dionysius said he would allow Damocles to see what it was like to be king one day and Damocles – visions of wine and nubile girls (or boys the stories vary – this was ancient Greece) agreed.

So the next day Damocles sat at the king’s seat ready for debauch – at some during his meal point he looked up and saw hanging above his head a very very sharp sword held by a single horse hair. All at once he lost his taste for being king and beat a quick retreat.

This has often been presented to show the perils of power and the importance of understanding everything comes at a price – however in the modern age, it’s more realistic to have everybody else have sharpened swords above their heads while the king sits amused at the fear generated along with the occasional string break and resulting scream. Really look at say W or Dick Cheney or the president of a large firm – will they ever have to worry about making ends meet? Wonder about keeping a roof over their heads? Feeding their families? Of course not – such worries are for the little people not the great.

Well before I turn into a raving Marxist – and I’m not - my favorite Marx is Groucho not Karl – let’s leave this. Still I hate it when your working day includes being worried about your job.

Listening to the Firesign Theater again – great spoken word stuff – not laugh out loud but deep surreal and funny in tickle your brain way and unlike a lot of comedy albums they can stand up to dozens of listens. Tonight at the open mike I will be wearing a t-shirt with one of their catch phrases (also the title of their 3rd album) on it “Don’t Crush that Dwarf, Hand me the Pliers” which sums them up fairly well.

Some of their other album titles are –

In the next world, you’re on your own”

“How can you be in two places at once when you’re not anywhere at all?”

“I think we’re all Bozos on this bus”

“Everything you know is Wrong”

The last may be my favorite of all – full of aliens who eat moss, a comet, new age jokes and fried eggs (you have to hear to understand) it’s one of my desert Island disks.

So Shoes for Industry compodre

Other notes: Bad movies on the way.

Again we’re playing a set tomorrow at
23-14 Ditmars Boulevard
Astoria, New York 11105

9 pm

$7 min. (they have nice cheese cake by the way so this isn’t a real sacrifice).

Peace, Love, I spell my name Danger


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Absolute favorite Quote from the Firesign Troupe is

"Forward into the Past"

We are looking in that direction to your set Thursday Night
We told the exterminator to stay away and not be concerned with the
People with Insect Heads.

So you should make it in and out alive......

p.s. Try the Purple Haze this time around or our newest beer, PORKSLAP
( Remind me and I'll tell you )

Bill @ Waltz-Astoria

9:41 AM  

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