Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Starbuck's rant & the mess in DC gets worse.

I saw in net that the chairman of Starbucks is worried that his stores are losing their soul.

To which have to say Huh?

Maybe I’ve never been in the right Starbucks or one of the older ones but sweet mother of mercy what the hell is he talking about? He’s worried that the store design is sterile – well no shit Sherlock where hell have you been the last ten years? The god dam things have sprung up like fucking mushrooms where ever there was a foot of land and they all look alike – soulless burger kings with more expensive food and expensive coffee. And sorry pal the coffee isn’t all that. In fact your breakfast blend (which the stores in NY seem to make it a point not to carry) was the first blend I could drink without getting that bitter burnt taste in my mouth which I don’t recommend. I drink coffee black with some or no sugar – I don’t drink milkshakes with coffee in them –which seems to be most of what makes starbuck starbucks.

He also writes about the star bucks experience –well my typical experience at starbucks is waiting on line then trying to get the bored or overworked or some times just as fucking dumb as a bag of hammers person behind the counter to take my order (and no matter how many times I’ve done this the whole ‘Grande’ bullshit strikes me as, well bullshit – I usually say ‘the middle one” rather than say ‘Grande’). Then after your order you have to FUCKING WAIT UNTIL THE NEXT FUCKING DAY to get you coffee if you’ve ordered anything more complicated than black coffee so you can leave. There is no time to linger over the coffee cause shit man you have an hour for lunch and you just wasted 25 minutes standing on line and then waiting for them to make you your coffee.
And there is never anyplace to linger as the tables are all taken by students who have every book and notebook they have ever owned scattered over two tables as they continue to work their term paper (their efforts handicapped by the fact they have been up for three days in a row by this point) or one of the 15 guys with a cup of coffee and a lap top – who is typing and at the same time talking in a loud voice on a cell phone – usually one of those Borg looking things you put on your ear – typical corporate bafflegab

“Well I told him that would happen if he did that.”
“Well I’m not putting that fire out.”
“I said no. I said no before this project started. And after it started and I’ll be saying it after the project is done.”
“Yes then too.”
“Well I told you what the problem was earlier.”
“No I’m not telling what the problem is now; I’m telling what the problem was then. The problem has evolved.”
“And yes it will kill”
“Especially if you poke it with a stick. What where they thinking?”

And so on -

Oh my.

And fasten your seat belts kids – thing are about to get really really interesting.

The firing of those US attorney’s scandal has now reached into the White House. It turns out that as the 2nd W administration was going to begin – Harriet Myers, W’s personal well whatever I don’t know chief legal advisor and designated ass kisser suggested that they fire all 93 US Attorney’s and replace them with, one presumes, loyal operatives – why fire them otherwise?

Per the Washington Post what happened next was:

“That proposal was immediately rejected by Gonzales as impractical and disruptive, Justice officials said, but it led (Kyle) Sampson to send an e-mail to Miers in March 2005 ranking all 93 U.S. attorneys. Strong performers ``exhibited loyalty'' to the administration; low performers were ``weak U.S. attorneys who have been ineffectual managers and prosecutors, chafed against Administration initiatives, etc.''; a third group merited no opinion.”

– So the attorney’s were all evaluated and seven were canned - one after some GOP big wings from New Mexico talked to Rowe, and apparently the president himself.

So Attorneys who – let’s be bloody honest here okay – who preferred to follow the rule of law and do their jobs rather than lean on the White House’s political opponents – they got canned and then via a sneaky addition to the ‘patriot’ act (and lord was there ever a bill more poorly named) the Attorney General was able to appoint interim attorneys with out confirmation by the Senate insuring that the new attorneys were either craven W loyalists or unqualified political hacks – or knowing the W administration they are both.

The whole thing speaks of a pretty damn blatant attempt to channel the activities of the District Attorneys along political lines – indeed articles suggest that it’s far more likely that a democrat will get investigated by the feds than a repub – and Krugman noted in a column that just before the last election in New Jersey the NJ District attorney announced they were investigating the Democratic Senatorial candidate, an announcement that got a lot of play while the investigation went nowhere after the election.

This is going to get worse. It always does with these people.

In other painful subjects – it turns out I’ve seen exactly 18 of the Monster Time’s 50 worst monster movies ever made. I don’t find that an acceptable number.

So on their way from Net Flix are Frankenstein vs the Space Monster – and Curse of the Swamp creature – which will – assuming I survive make it an even 20.

More pain later.

Peace, Love, Back coffee no sugar – to go.


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