Monday, March 19, 2007

No pics yet & bad movies & bad memories

No pics just yet –

Okay between the St Patrick’s day – Where I ended up drinking too damn much (and this was a surprise how?) and the Geek crack that is City of Heroes (up to level 17 for le Bug of Blue – like this means anything to you folks) – I didn’t get much done band wise – including downloading the pics from the gig – which will be done this week. Promise.

Might have someone to sing “Robots took my man” as in Female type person – she also has done some acting in musicals.

This one more scary thing about all this – I make an off hand comment to the Enemy Below about making a musical out of our songs – He says this is great idea, lets go with it of course now we needed somebody who put write charts and there is Spenser and after we say hey we need a to hear a woman sing this song to see if it works and someone comes up and says “hey let me try – I’ve been in musicals - I’m in one right now”

It’s a little scary – I’m so used to things not working that I keep waiting for that shoe to drop. It’s a bit like the one time there was girl I was interested in (this was quite a while ago – before I just gave up completely) and I asked if she’d like to maybe have coffee sometime, she said “sure” and I was completely stumped for a reply. I mean like not even able to make plans – I muttered something like “great” then wandered away in a kind of mental daze where my head was saying “huh? What did she say? Yes? What does that mean? What the heck was that all about? That didn’t go at all the way I expected it.” and never followed up. She was probably insulted, as would I be if someone said hey lets get together and then never said a damn thing after that.

Well enough of my self esteem issues for today – we will of course revisit them later – it’s not like they are going anywhere.

Now up to 21 films from the Monster Times list of the 50 worst Monster Movies ever made – After Journey to the center of time I watched Frankenstein vs. the Space Monster and Curse of the Swamp Creature. I will give Curse a more through going over tomorrow – it deserves it but Frankenstein vs. the Space Monster is a film that probably took less time to make than it does to watch what with the use of stock footage.

The story such as it is – involves a robot Astronaut who build by one Dr. Adam Steele (Adam Steele sounds to me more like a name you get when you do one the quiz to get your porn star name) who is played by James Karen who did all those Pathmark ads in the 60’s and 70’s – hey it’s a living. Meantime there are aliens hovering about blowing up missiles – one Alien (name Dr. Nadir – which I’m sure is exactly were the screen writer felt his career was at that time) looks like a gay uncle Fester Addams with bug Vulcan ears. The aliens are lead by their queen who manages not to show any expression at all during the entire film – which is impressive seeing as this is years before botox came into common use.

The evil aliens are blowing missiles up – including the one with the hapless robot in it – he crashes somewhere in Puerto Rico – where by a stunning coincidence the rest of the movie is set and then is damaged again by an Alien ray gun attack – the aliens, except for Nadir and the Queen wear astronaut suits – I can only assume someone found a bunch cheap – and wield ray guns that look a bit like hair dryers from the era.

So the robot is damaged (he looks a bit like two face – on side is supposed to be melted – it’s pretty fake looking) and wandering around Puerto Rico strangling people and in one case chopping them up with a machete (way to create sympathy for him guys).

Meantime the Aliens – who keep a monster who looks like someone in a shag rug with an ugly mask on in a cage – have landed and spread out looking for women – their planet needs women (al la Mars Needs Women and The Mysterians) – which is merely an excuse for actors to wander around and chase women in bikinis. Side note: I really really hate this damn plot idea – it makes no sense scientifically (come on guys DNA? Do you ever read anything other than movie mags?) And is just stupid.

Adam Steele and the female lead – who oddly enough is sweet a bit on the robot – search for the Robot on a motor scooter (budget I guess) while a completely bizarre romantic ballad by the Poets – I have been unable to discover if these Poets were the same as the band The Poets from Scotland who made a few singles and then vanished into cult band oblivion about this time (I don’t think so the Poets were supposed to be good) – but whoever did it – it and the travelogue scooter trip are major pieces of padding.

There is toing and froing and then all the plot points come together at the Aliens space ship – the robot (repaired by Alan Steele) saves the female lead and all the other women captured – fights the Space Monster in the Afghan Rug and the silly mask and then with one of their hair dryers the Robot blows up the ship, the gay uncle fester Vulcan the queen the rest of the aliens and himself while the female lead cries and we see stock footage of something blowing up.

And then because it wasn’t boring enough the first time, we have more shots of Alan Steele and the female lead on their scooter. And we get to hear the song again. And I wonder if trying to see all these films is as good an Idea as I thought it was.

Well I’m kind of committed now. So on to Curse of the Swamp creature and photos.

It’s the 4th anniversary of the Invasion of Iraq. There are not words for how depressing that is. The only folks that have done well from this are the oil folks – there prime asset went from costing $18 a barrel to $56 a barrel and they didn’t have to do a damned thing.
Hat tip to Greg Palest over in England for pointing that out. He remembers (and I did not) W’s stirring words to the Iraqi people as the invasion started

“Don’t destroy your oil wells”.

Yep – that what was on his mind as the war started. Went out of his way to say that too.

Happy Monday

Peace Love, you sure you want to have coffee?



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