Friday, March 16, 2007

Sometimes it all makes sense

Sometimes I wonder why I do this stuff – but not last night.

It was a nice set last night – granted the weather stunk – rain sleet and cold biting wind – but this band seems cursed to have bad weather when it does its gigs – we keep ending up playing the coldest days of the year, the hottest, in pouring rain – sometimes you start to think someone is trying to tell you something. But Spencer, Tim and the Enemy Below all just rocked. I’m soo damn lucky to be in this band, I can’t say that enough.

So anyway the gig was great great fun and thanks for coming in such rotten weather and thanks to Magic Marker Karate Co. for doing such a great set after us and their fans for listening to us as well.

Pictures this weekend.

Next gig is at the 169 Bar 4/13 – 8:30 details to come.

Weather god awful – looks like it is going to stay rotten for a day or so – and make the St Patrick’s Day parade another exercise in damp cold freezing – luck of the Irish I guess.

It seems like Gonzalez advised W on whether to shut down a dept of Justice Inquiry on that program of Warrantless domestic wiretaps – after he learned that he was very likely one of the targets of that investigation.

W shut it down by the novel method of denying the investigators security clearances to do their job – something that has well it was never done. Like ever.

This to my layman’s eye looks suspiciously like obstruction of justice – and I suspect that Albert (“mistakes were made”) will be heading to one of those right wing think tanks real soon.

As a side note that Watergate era phrase “mistakes were made” reminds me of an old Calvin and Hobbes Sunday strip – in the strip Calvin’s parents are standing with faces of mixed shock and anger at discovering Calvin has completely trashed the living room. Calvin, Hobbes in one hand, baseball bat in the other says “mistakes were made.” End side note.

Meantime just who’s idea it was to fire the attorney’s is starting to be a very embarrassing question and everybody, including Karl Rove are pointing at someone else like that

Watched Journey to the center of time (making 19 the number of movies from the monster times list of the 50 worst Monster Movies ever made) I’m not sure why they bothered to make a film – I mean they could have just put a picture of the actors up on screen and played a tape recording of them speaking their lines for all the action. There are huge swaths of time were neither the camera nor the people were moving. And the dialogue was full of pseudo scientific gibberish “make sure the circuits remain open” – so what don’t close them? Right Not a problem. “We’re getting interference from our laser but we are tacking”

And oh yes Lyle Waggoner, a long time Carol Burnett troop member has a scene that he can’t recall with any fondness – he’s an alien but it looks like the director said okay get the worst haircut you can find then paint yourself silver and toss sliver glitter on your hair. It looks hideous.

Well more later – work beckons. And the weather is getting worse.

Peace love, ice storms.


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