Thursday, March 22, 2007

Albatross! and Robots

Before I get to what I’m talking about a few things.

Pictures are turning into a pain in the butt but I promise they will be up by the weekend.

Sen. Inhofe is a witless old tool who seems to think that if it gets cold in Buffalo there is no global warming. That he is a senator who was actually elected and didn’t win the damn thing in a lottery drawing is deeply depressing.

I suspect that the Attorney General scandals are going to get worse. Saw something to the effect that another AG is saying that their case against several tobacco companies was interfered with by people from Washington – where tobacco companies contribute a lot of money.

I don’t know quite how deep the rot is, but I suspect it’s pretty appalling.

The Time magazine cover is weird – it seems the gist of the argument they make is that the GOP has abandoned the principles of Ronald Reagan by their embrace of the right wing theocrats and religious hacks and deficits and big government.

I see that glue sniffing at Time Magazine continues to be a major problem. The current GOP is RR’s misbegotten child – all his talk about smaller government, and doing for yourself applied only to the poor – he poured money into the defense industry helping to create the bloated corrupt creature that abounds in billion dollar jet contacts to well connected firms but somehow doesn’t have enough money for body armor for the grunts. He also got right into bed with the Theocrats for example I remember him jabbering nonsense about living in the end times so Time’s hand wringing over the fact the theocrats are either bughouse crazy or hypocritical frauds is just silly- they have always been that. And as far a deficits well Clinton took care of those not Bush Sr or Ron.

Anyway on to other things – Last night the Enemy Below was as one would say hors de combat so after a bit I decided to go by myself. My idea was actually to do some covers – songs that I like but don’t get to perform much these days since they don’t fit (or mostly don’t fit) into the Bob Muir and the Enemy Below band. For the record the songs were Norwegian Wood, Ring of Fire and Werewolves of London (okay the last one would fit – kinda)

The open mike was fun really – one of the better ones, hell even the Tiny Tit with the beard was good – and that’s a first. He just strummed his guitar and jabbered about the folks at the mike and to my shock he was funny as hell. There was another guy – Cedric (I think I’m awful with names) and Jesus can that man sing – I swear to god last night women were about to start tossing their underwear at him. Actually I’m not jealous - I’m in a comedy band I’m not going to get underwear tossed at me unless we announce we want it because we are making a quilt. (Zappa did that back in the 80’s)

However there were a few bumps – someone – whose stuff I like did a cover of Eric Clapton’s Wonderful Tonight. [STRONG LANGUAGE WARNING] and there are not words enough in the English language to explain just how much I fucking hate that fucking song. So that was a bit of a downer for me.

The damn thing is a piece of by the numbers hackwork by a guy who really can do a lot better but has fucking coasted since derck and the dominos. Jesus I’m happy you finally got to nail Patty Harrison but for Christ sakes why include us in on the damn thing? I don’t fucking care. Really. And the number of times I have heard this at weddings makes me want to scream. It’s like it’s in the contract – you have to play Wonderful Tonight when you book the hall.

I hear that song and I have evil and violent fantasies of banging Eric’s face into a brick wall and screaming:

“Just shut up! Just – bang – shut – bang – the – bang – hell – up! Go back on heroin – do something but stop doing – bang – this- bang – lame- bang – ass – bullshit – bang - you self impressed jagov – bang.”

At this point I let go and Eric, his face a bloody mess slides to the ground.

“And you can’t sing either” I say and after a few kicks to the ribs – I’m off.

For full disclosure it took me years to give Reggae a listen simply because I hated Eric’s version of I shot the sheriff so much.

Anyway it came up my time to sing – I was wearing an Eight Man T-shirt which unfortunately sponsored a question about it from someone and I went into full geek lecture mode – that is jabbering like a magpie about the history of 8th man on TV that it was the first Japanese Anime cartoon to be shown in the US and so on until someone mentioned Gigantor which led, to my eternal shame, me signing the Gigantor Theme song:

“Gigantor, Gigantor, Gigannnnntor
Gigantor’s the Space age Robot
He’s at your command
Gigantor’s the Space age Robot
His power is in your hand
Bigger than Big, Stronger than Strong
Quicker than Quicker, Taller than Tall
Ready to fight for right
Against Wrongggggggggg”

This is me an nutshell: I don’t remember people’s names, I don’t remember birthdays, I forget to call people who care about me, but I can sing, at the drop of hat, the theme song to a cartoon show that I didn’t especially like, one I last saw maybe 40 years ago. It’s like I’m some kind of geek savant minus the savant part. You hit a button and out it comes – me, the one writing this, the one who no longer wonders why I don’t date, I have nothing to do with it – it’s like a tape is played and I’m just a bystander.

And that, oddly enough isn’t the albatross I’m talking about.

After I finished embarrassing myself with that – I started to say “well normally I play with the Enemy Below but seeing as he’s not here I figured…”

At which point a young woman (who’s name I completely blank on) said “Sing that song”

“Which song?” I asked.

“The eyeball song” she said.

“Eyeball song?” Then someone figured out what she was talking about.

“Stacy” someone else yelled “sing Stacy”, then another woman yelled the same thing.

“That’s it “the first woman yelled “that song has been in my head all week”

So what can you do? I sang Stacy – felt a bit odd alone but as I was doing so (and you people who sang along – you are going straight to hell) I realized that this song is going to be the band’s albatross hanging around our necks forever. Granted it’s nice to have a song people want to hear – and last night someone called it the greatest song they have ever heard – what is with these people? What’s scary with that is this is the second time someone's said that – but you can feel trapped by this too. We are looking to move on to areas of weirdness and dysfunction yet undreamt – but if people keep yelling Stacy what the hell are we do to?

Well enough – pics are of 8th man, Gigantor and the Monty Python Albatross sketch.

Peace, love, seabirds


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