Tuesday, November 07, 2006

It's Election Day

Vote early, vote often. – This message brought to you by the Cook County Democratic party.

I am really really hoping for a Democratic take over of at least the House, because one, I am tired of watching Congress roll over for the whims of a petulant incurious man child with a taste for killing by long distance and a gang of half wit thugs that passes for his cabinet. And two, even if every democratic candidate is an avowed gay Satanist, how much worse could they possibly be? It’s not so much the greed and evil that is driving this crew, it’s the absolute utter incompetence that just kills me.

The vice president has gone ‘hunting’ with his daughter Mary. This seems to be first time since he shot that guy in the face. Mary watch your back (and face). Side Note: I am presuming that this is another canned hunt – where cage raised damn near tame birds are dropped into an open field for rich nitwits with guns to shoot. These are important men, they can’t waste their time learning how to stalk a wild ring neck pheasant (a tough go I understand) Really, it has as much relationship to real hunting (which I don’t get but at least there is some challenge there and you have to understand the animal you are hunting on some level to get close enough for a shot) as date rape has to dating. The Kaiser of Germany before World War 1 used to have herds of Elk driven past his blind by beaters so he could shoot them. Canned hunts remind me of that. It’s not hunting, it’s killing. So maybe Cheney’s just working off his frustrations.

VP: Bastard Press (Bang!)
Aide: Good shot sir
VP: Bastard Monkey boy (Bang!)
Aide: Again good shot.
VP: Bastard Democrats (Bang!)
Aide: Excellent again.
VP: Bastard Voters (Bang!)
Aide: I don’t know how you do it sir.
VP: Bastard Gays (Bang!)
Aide: Ah- ixnay on the aysgay sir
VP: What? (Bang!) Oh yes. Did she hear?
Aide: Not with the shooting no.
VP: Good, be a shame to have put her someplace - Bastard Human beings. (Bang!)

And so on.

I’m hoping for a Democratic house because I want to know where all the no-bid money went and I want the next sex scandal to involve women. Just to leaven the mass a bit.

Will be making pasta with Garlic and oil and watching Mesa of Lost women to refresh my memories of it. As bad as it is, it’ll be less painful than watching coverage of the election.

No time for more – busy days here at the job -Peace out.

got the cassette from http://www.says-it.com/ lots of stuff to play with there.


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