Wednesday, November 01, 2006

LATE BLOG - Not feeling well

Sorry – wasn’t feeling well today didn’t get to work. (hence the Dr. Phibes pic). It was part physical part mental health day – work feels dead right now. Something is going to happen but nobody knows quite just what, even the regular rumor suppliers are not talking. It’s like a Morgue the place.

Watching the Mystery Science Theater 3000 version of Godzilla vs. Megalon. This was one of the low points of the Godzilla franchise (along with Godzilla’s Revenge and the American Godzilla Film) so it well deserves to be mocked by the Joel and the Bots. Megalon is a kind of giant Bug or something who along with Gidorha (the three headed dragon) fights Godzilla along with some ugly robot called Jet Jaguar who manages to grow from normal size to Godzilla size and then back again during the course of the film. They don’t even try to explain how that happens. They might have in the original Japanese version but I don’t think so, this was made during the Godzilla is for Kids period and I'm sure the producers figured kids don’t care about such things anyway. I always find it aggravating that people who should know better when they are making movies for TV shows for kids assume that to be a child is to be an idiot. Are they that far removed from their own damn memories?

Listening to the 5,6,7,8’s – the women who did the Who-Hoo song in Kill Bill. It is one of my few claims to real hip coolness that I knew about the Five Six Seven Eights before Quentin Taranteino did - Ha. They have done a bunch of albums over the years ( I have 4 of them) – with mostly the same three ladies in the band, they have a deep love of 50-60’s garage rock ‘n roll and it shows. One thing to note they have pretty damn thick Japanese accents which can be disconcerting if you haven’t heard them before. But they don’t care they, know what they sound like, if you have a problem with that, well to hell with you.

Have a guilty pleasure liking for Asian all girl punk/rock bands – i.e. Shonen Knife, the aforementioned 5,6,7,8,’s, other less well known bands like Hang on the Box (China’s biggest all girl Punk band – but I’m not quite sure what that means) and Koeshi Doll . I’m not entirely sure why but I suspect it’s because the girls are cute as hell and I like the sounds they make.

Random Neural firings:

Why is Bob Dylan’s New Album 18 dollars? – I guess the record companies figure they can screw us on this since Dylan’s fans are old farts like me who don’t use the Google and the Internets to download the songs. And I don’t think Dylan needs the money. Maybe he does - but still.

Anyway I’m late to this but if you haven’t read Bob Dylan’s Chronicles do so now. – it bounces around his life from the early days to making Oh Mercy and such and it’s just wonderful – easily the best book I’ve read this year. I read it on the plane ride down to Tampa and I didn’t want it to end (the book – not the plane ride I always want plane rides to end, not before they should but I do want them to end).

I think in Astoria (where I live) there is a zoning requirement that every place that sells coffee have two or three guys on chairs sitting outside of it smoking cigarettes. It’s very odd I was on Steinway Street and also near my own street and there they were. Of course it was a nice day for just sitting outside watching the world go by. If you go for that kind of thing, I can take about 30 minutes in the park watching the trees and the water before the “Okay let’s get on with it” moment comes.


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