Friday, November 03, 2006

Again with the sex

The news has yet another scandal involving a conservative GOP stalwart and gay sex, this time a minister with a male hooker, with said minister using crystal meth as well.

It’s a mark of how sick the times are that I find myself longing for the good old days when the worst thing a preacher could do was to have an affair with the pretty young female organist – lord in heaven is every damned right winger who screams about the menace of gay marriage a massive closet case?

Probably. The psychological phenomenon of projection tells us it’s likely to be the case. That each time they rail about the evils of homosexuality and gay sex they are being tortured by the thought of firm buttocks and pert thighs (I’m not sure how a thigh can be pert but there you go). And it’s gay men they rant about. . I gather they are okay with lesbian sex as long as a) they are both hot babes and b) someone is around to videotape it for later viewing.

Speaking of women, I notice there are panicked mumblings from the net about the coming election and Nancy Pelosi becoming speaker of the house – Dennis Miller who after failing as a comedian, a sports announcer, talk show host and right wing apologist recently resurfaced on TV (on fox what a surprise) and spouted gibberish about how bad Nancy as speaker of the house would be. The major reason for Miller’s concern seemed to be that Nancy is a woman. I mean heaven fortend! Never in the history of the world has a women in a position of power been able to handle the job, the exceptions such as oh, Catharine the Great of Russia and Elizabeth the First were obviously cross dressing men and not women. Women, per these clowns are only good for making male babies – and dinner when the men get home from banging their rent boys.

I fail to understand their panic about women. Women are people yes? It’s not like they are some kind of alien spices with some kind of ovum depositor they are going to ram down your throat and lay their eggs in your chest. Then I could understand this distrust and it would make Ladies night a thing of terror

“Hey baby, can I buy you a drink?”
SNOORRRLK ! (Okay you come up with a sound effect for an ovum depositor being rammed down a person’s throat)
“GGGGGGGGGGGGG” falls to the floor and twitches as the woman walks away.
“Dude I warned you about her didn’t I?”
“Now her eggs are going to hatch in about oh three four weeks.’
“And burst your chest wall from the inside, it’s nasty when it happens.”
“Still it’s not all bad, you won’t have to sweat the student loan payments, like what can they do to you? You’ll have your chest burst open from the inside by Aliens; Interest Penalties ain’t going to matter then.”
“Want another beer?”
“Well guess I’ll be going.’

Yes my imaginary world consists not of people who don’t care if you live or die, but of people who are hoping you die, just so they can have a better chance at finding a parking space next time they need one.

Anyway back to the election. I think what is happening here illustrates my old saw that people will start using their brains to think with only after they have exhausted every other option available – sometimes even twice.

Meantime, we have a gig at Otto’s for Friday December 8th at 8 pm this time so there won’t be a long wait for us to get on. Over the next few weeks we want to come up with a press kit (something I’ve never done) and start looking for other places to play.

No news on the drummer search – need to put an ad on Craig’s list soon.

The Enemy Below will be out of town this weekend so I will be assisting at the open mike Sunday – which means expect some kind of weird story on Monday.

This weekend I do plan to watch some more bad movies – Mesa of the Lost Women being the first on the list. And god is it bad. Also my memories of Bo Derek in Bolero, which was and remains, the stupidest thing I have ever seen.

Big changes are work – more details as I get them. Like you care but this is my blog.


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