Thursday, November 02, 2006


Like the David bowie song they are coming to my office – you know I never quite got into Bowie – it’s weird I own well over 500 cds – I’ve never catalogued them simply because as much as I would like to cause I haven’t had the time or the proper software to actually go and do something as insanely geeky as that – along with catalogue my DVDs and write short pity reviews on the worst of the lot.

Side side note – the Enemy Below has told me not to watch Battlefield Earth (He called it a bad movie intervention) but like that bottle of bourbon in the kitchen, the damn thing is calling me. Watch me (again). Yes I’ve seen the stupid thing twice already – the 3rd time would kill me.

‘He’s dead.”
“Yes and it looks like he was watching this when he died.” Shows M.E. Tape.
“Good god’
‘Yes, it explains why he gouged out his eyes with a spoon before he died.”

Okay, enough with the gouge your eyes out with spoon jokes. But there the damn film sits tempting me like the Ring – which I haven’t had a chance to see yet – why? Cause I waste my damn time with things like “Godzilla vs. Megalon” and “Swamp Women’ that’s why. That I plan next week to expose myself to the horror that is Mesa of Lost Women (again) so I can write a review for the blog that’s why.

Anyway back to Bowie (note to self: too much coffee this morning my heads all over the place) as many albums I have, I don’t have any Bowie. None, nada, zippo. Which is weird for god sakes I have albums by EVERYBODY else – well almost everybody I don’t have any talking heads either, and for the same reason. They both just leave me cold. David Byrne always had I’m just slumming look about him while he was with the Talking heads and has commented on how simple Rock and Roll is, with the unspoken inflection that this is not something for adults.

And Bowie just comes across as too calculating by half – and it shows in the songs there is something almost too mechanical or unhuman in his stuff (there was a reason why they had him star in the Man who Fell to Earth).

It’s not that he’s bad he just don’t grip me. It’s a little but not a lot like Fleetwood Mac, I can recognize the craft and skill in the songwriting but it’s all too smooth and it makes me fall asleep.

Was going to go on but it seems as if the office has sprung to panic stricken life, I swear its either dead as vaudeville or the levee is about to break - nothing in between – I will have to put off many of my learned points about Bowie, changes and such like for another time.

One interesting bit noted on the nets is that in a recent survey the number of people who have doubts about god have risen from 34% to 42% in three years. Much learned beard pulling is going on in the net sphere over this – for my two cents, it’s like this: over the last three years a procession of hate soaked hypocrites, life hating blue nosed busybodies and incompetent death loving power junkies have filled our air waves claiming they were doing god’s work you can’t help but wonder, if that’s the case, who is this god person and why are all these awful people on his side?


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