Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Well this is scary has hell

I saw in the over the net today that the US government, not content with lying about sex and drugs to teenagers is now going to spread it’s abstinence only program to target Adults ages 19-29. Let me repeat that, ages 19-29.



I have enough trouble with their hysterical lying gibberish about sex being poured into the ears of teenagers (Condoms don’t work is one of their evergreen whoppers) screwing their little minds up no end with guilt and fear, but now they want to start trying to shame grown men and women (and I am sure this will be aim mostly at women, cause boys will be boys) because, per some clod, unmarried women in this age group are having more babies.

Oh heavens fetch the smelling salts.

Okay – here’s one thing here – women that age, married or not are having babies. Sheesh if you want kids, it’s a pretty good time to have them, you’re young, typically in good heath, and the body’s systems haven’t started that long slow decline towards worm food so pregnancy isn’t as much of a strain as it is later on. So why not have kids if you want them?

And these are adults we’re talking about here. If a woman wants to have a kid or kids and not a husband, that’s none of the Government’s f##king business okay? Her choice, her life right? Even if as per some Victorian novel the man has in that unlovely phrase, knocked her up and then cut and run why is the woman the one who is the bad one? What kind of warped Cotton Mather world hating mindset do you have to have to start preaching Abstinence to grown people? With my tax dollars mind you. Bad enough they send them to Halliburton, never mind spend it on this gibberish:

‘If you have sex and you are not married you will get aids and die or get pregnant. Or you will feel so guilty at indulging your selfish shameful lusts you will gouge your eyes out with a pair of spoons.’
‘Alice what happen?”
‘Helen ,just gouged her eyes out with a pair of spoons.”
‘Helen why why? Granted he was very handsome and hung like a horse but was it really worth it now Helen, as you lie here with your eyes gouged out?”
“Remember don’t have sex unless you’re married and then only if your husband wants to make babies otherwise you’re just a slut, even if you’re married and guilt that comes from being a slut will be so bad that you’ll gouge your eyes out with a pair of spoons’
“Of course if your husband wants sex and you don’t you’re just being a frigid bitch which will make you feel so guilty at disappointing your husband that you will gouge your eyes out with a pair of spoons.”
“This message has been brought to you by the Chastity council.”

What makes this whole thing even more insane is that about 90% of the adults in that 19-29 group are sexually active or have had sex (i.e. making with the humpty hump) – Christ even I, The Lord God King of the Prolonged Dry spell, got lucky a time or two when I was that age –outside of marriage too. (Straight to hell I now but it was worth it. I’ll be standing on the line for hell and the guy in front of me will ask “what are you in for?” I say “Having sex and writing songs like ‘Stacy’ and “I’m sorry I ate your brain”. How about you?” “Murder.” At least I’ll have some good memories while demons play with my entrails.

I’ll get back to this after Halloween, this sex is evil and foul, I want to have sex, therefore I am evil and foul equation that has blighted my whole damn life – this treating sex like it is some evil outside impulse from the devil that must be resisted damaged me deeply. To see that being perpetuated and by government money is both deeply depressing and scarier than a thousand vampires.


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