Monday, October 30, 2006

Sometimes I wonder what’s the point & Happy Halloween!

Yeah like that should come as a surprise to anybody that knows me. And now that the Enemy Below and the Insect Girl are happily married and the hurly burly is behind us, a sense of malaise has crept over my life. Not Despair, not anything that strong, just a sense of I’m only visiting this bit, that I’m waiting for something to happen.

It could just be the time change of course, things like that have an effect on you, you don’t feel quite right

Per some spam e-mail that I got the other day, the reason is that my life is like it is that right now Mercury is in retrograde. Oh so that’s it. Gee I thought it was I didn’t have enough money to pay my bills, that my job status is in limbo, my romantic life remains moribund (everybody now: aaaaaaaaaw), We need more places to play and things just feel stuck. Well maybe it is mercury in retrograde, I will not spend the extra $20 bucks needed to find out exactly what that means so sorry.

Well anyway tomorrow is Halloween so Happy Halloween to everybody – I read somewhere that Halloween has become American’s second favorite holiday right after Christmas. It’s a wonder the holy ones worried about the war on Christmas ™ haven’t used that fact to start screaming The pagans are coming! The pagans are coming! To chop off you heads, gay marry your daughter and take you job.

It was so much simpler when monsters were the only things to worry about.

A weird thought here, going back to the other day’s comment about the underlying themes in monster movies, it could be that the plethora of Zombie films are a reaction to the rise of drug use in America and the resulting paranoia that brought on. (One minute normal teens the next, the living dead flesh eating potheads!). There was anti-drug one commercial that summed up the real fear smoking pot aroused in the powers that be. In that commercial the pot user didn’t crash his car, run over kids, shoot someone, cook his cat by accident, turn into a sex crazed deviant, no he just sat on his couch and did nothing. I remember watching that and going so? This is your big problem? That he won’t work? It’s his damn life what the hell is your problem with this? Is it because since he won’t work he won’t go to Wal-Mart and buy junk? Is that what’s scaring you? That he’s not going to be a member of the consumer society? I’m not sure but they didn’t run that commercial much, it was back to the pot makes you insane enough to gouge your eyeballs out with a spoon style ads right soon enough.

Voice over: Smoke dope and you’ll gouge your eyeballs out with as spoon
3rd Voice; Dude you just gouged your eyeballs out with a spoon
Other voice: AHHHHHHHH!!!!
3rd Voice: That’s gotta hurt. You want another hit?
Voice over: Get the facts, rat on your friends, and just to be sure, stay away from spoons
Other voice; AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Hmmm might add that to the killer sheep play – which may turn into a musical by the time I get done with it. Still the idea of bizarre ads on the TV in the place of any real news about the killer sheep, or the robots or the Aliens is amusing.

Full disclosure I smoked pot about 4 times, the last time about 20 years ago, I ended up watching a movie, eating a box of Oreo cookies and deciding not to do this again. It was the weight gain potential that had me worried, that and the requirement that you became a Grateful Dead fan – you had to fill out a form and everything. While I’ve mellowed a bit about the Dead over the years I still say you can play them at my funeral cause then I’ll be dead and I won’t have to listen to the dullest band in the history of western music. To tell the truth, I’d rather gouge my eyes out with a spoon than listen to them.

Well again happy Halloween – projected viewing – The Mummy, The Wolf Man, (I’ve already seen Dracula and the earlier Frankenstein films) Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man (Bela plays the monster here), King Kong, Godzilla, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, The Invisible Man, Them, Horror of Dracula, Frankenstein Must be destroyed, Curse of Frankenstein, the Werewolf of London, and so on – don’t know if I’ll get to all the them but hey it’s fun to do(it's a bit scarry that I HAVE all these films).

Music; Misfits, Black Sabbath, Macbeth by Verdi & Werewovles of London by Warren Zevon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

woohooo! happy halloween!
dou dress up n do things? cos u should it would be funny!
if i did that here, people would just stare at me and maybe take pictures lol. n so i don't. i did buy a little pumpkin and drew two faces on it. one a "scary" looking face and on the other side a face with thick kissy lips! my colleagues are amused.

6:35 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

happy halloween to you too -

I perfom a song wearing a mexican Wrestling mask - i try not to wear it when I'm not performing folks just don't understand and maybe it seems redundant.

12:58 PM  

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