Friday, October 27, 2006


Tense and nervous today – I think the pressure of not worrying about things is starting to get to me. I want things to go away for a while. Or me to go away for a while. Not a good day I guess. I honestly thing the weather change has something to do with it. That and the calls from people asking for money I don’t have. That’ll put a crimp on yer day for sure.

Been watching the old universal horror films as we run up to Halloween – taking a break from the usual god-awful film fest that I typically run 24-7 365 days a year. I am again impressed with just how creepy the early 30’s horror films were, how there is a genuine sense of decay in films like Dracula, Frankenstein, the Mummy, the Black Cat and the others of that era that is quite disturbing. You sense the monsters and killers in these films are not aberrations but the natural result of a sick dying world. These films were made in the depths of the great depression so it’s not that hard to see where this feeling came from, but it still lingers in the mind after the film is over. Even the erstwhile happy endings these films have something off about them. Yes the balance has been restored but real damage has been done, the survivors at the end of these films are like people who have lost a limb to gangrene alive but in shock and feeling the phantom pains coming from the limb that isn’t there anymore.

By the1940’s the sense of decay was gone and the films became more thrill rides than horror pictures – the killers and creatures come from outside not from inside society itself – gypsies bringing the werewolf virus with them, sinister Egyptian priests with walking mummies etc. Which again made perfect sense with World War 2 over the horizon. The 50’s brought their own dread, Atomic Apocalypse, and paranoia about communists (again the other but in a different form) add quite a odd undertone to 50’s sic fi films and not just in films that addressed it directly as Them, and Invasion of the Body Snatchers but even garbage like It Conquered the World has that sense of cold war paranoia.

Speaking of paranoid craziness the GOP and their enablers are going not so quietly nuts about the possibility of the Democratic Party getting control of one or both houses of congress. Panicked by the loss of their to quote Mel Brooks “phony baloney jobs” because a) the gravy train stops when they aren’t top dog and b) a lot of them will go to jail or be forced to resign since they are so crooked they resemble living corkscrews, the GOP is hyping up the ugly. Boiled down their message is that Gay Negro Mexican Islamofacist Terrorists will cross the border, take your job, marry you daughter and kill you after taking your guns and car away and then go on welfare if the Democratic Party wins.

It’s gotten so bad that even monkey boy has gotten wind that things aren’t that good.

LOUD CRASH followed by curses and more banging.
Aide: what the hell was that?
Clerk: the president just saw the latest polls.
Aide: you didn’t give him the real ones did you?
Clerk: well, er, yes.
Aide: didn’t they tell you we never let me see the real news.
Another crash
W (from inside office): No Like! Can not be true! No! HATE! KILL! No! I president! I loved! (More crashing)
Adie: The monkey is hard enough to handle under normal circumstances. Hell we can’t even tell him it’s raining outside sometimes.
W sticks his head out of the oval office.
W: I want the bastard who gave me this fired and sent away. Water board him until he tells us who he’s working for. Commie Bastard.
Aide: You mean terrorist not communist.
W: Yes. Head hurts. Need rest.
Aide: it is almost time for your nap.
W: Can’t sleep. Angry. Need….
Aide: I’ll be in a second – I’ll put the bombing tape on for you.
W: Boom Boom
Aide: yes boom boom
W shut door.
Clerk; I’ll get my things
Adie; don’t worry about it; he won’t remember any of this by tomorrow – just don’t give him the real polls. The ones done in crayon with the stickers on it are for him.
W (from inside): Need Boom boom!

The vice president has endorsed water boarding which they insist is not torture. Which has to piss the surviving members of the Khmer Roughe no end, they loved the water board.
“We weren’t torturing people? Damn what a gyp. If we had know it wasn’t torture, we would have used the rack or something.”

Maybe my sense of a society in sick decay isn’t coming from the 30’s movies I’m watching.

blooger hates pics for the moment.


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