Sunday, October 29, 2006


Since I have an extra hour today with the daylight savings and it’s quite a while before opening day – figured I’d do a rare Sunday blog. No topic just what ever comes to my tiny brain.

Looks like we have at least two new songs (I think we’re up to putting things on the 3rd album now). As the Enemy Below said – okay two more to take off the set list. I don’t want to jinx us but we have surfeit of riches these days, what we have are more songs that we can stick into a 45 minute or even an hour set.

Trying to write, the Enemy Below is great here. I keep thinking I have writers block so what he does is push – he’ll play something and encourages me to just spout gibberish – hell it works “Ode to a Glock” , “The Porn Song” and a bunch of stuff came out that way. So much kudos to him.

One song is “The Legend of Bob Muir” and explains kinda why I am the way I am, except that it doesn’t. The other is a kind of Elvis do-wop piece of nonsense that is great fun to sing. Can’t tell you the title because that’s part of the joke.

We are still working out the plans for the 1st album. It looks like they way we are going to do this is a song at a time when we have the time and the money. We want the songs to be done right and sound right – which is a little more complicated that just walking in and singing.

Back at the open mike for the first time since the wedding. Don’t know who if anybody is going to come – it’s been a while since we had a good crowd and it’s windy and looks to be cold tonight. So we’ll see.

We’re talking about going out to comedy club open mikes cause well – we do make people laugh so maybe it’s a way to get other gigs while we wait for New York to discover the wonder that is Bob Muir and The Enemy Below.

As I am watching the old Universal Horror films I have to say – Boris Karloff was a much better actor than Bela – even in a hunk o junk like “The Invisible Ray” he’s much more believable as a tortured scientist. Bela is miscast as a good guy (he’s always so much better as a heavy – he can just ooze malice.)

Going to be putting parts of this sucker on My space as I think if it. I’m not sure if the snarky comments about W will make the cut. Thing is, I’m not too interested with getting into a slanging match with hard core Bush lovers – I have better things to do with my damn time folks – I already have enough problems with the “hi I’m a 20 year old collage student and I’ve just gotten a web cam” Riggggghhhhht like I’m the one they are looking for. As much as I’d like to fool myself into thinking that a 23 year old drop dead gorgeous bisexual woman who has a equally drop dead gorgeous Asian girlfriend with large breasts would be interested in a middle aged overweight singer in a comedy/punk band, I’m not quite that a) stupid or b) desperate.

It’s well and truly fall in New York, the wind is colder and biting, the trees are giving up their leaves. In about 2 weeks all the leaves will be gone and the city will take on its bleak look until April. Still I prefer having seasons that go by. Gives me something to look at pay attention to, something to watch for as the days go by. Someone once said creativity is about paying attention to the details and I think that has something to it. When I’m at my most blocked is when I’m too focused on me and myself and my problems.

Found out Robyn Hitchcock will been in town soon – he’s one of my top guys and I haven’t had a chance to see him in a while so off we go. Meantime Cheap Trick is charging 80 bucks a ticket for their show. As much as I love the Tricksters I think I’m going to have to give them a pass.

Well – off to watch Ghost of Frankenstein and a few others before dinner.


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