Thursday, November 09, 2006


We’re moving – I’m taking files out of steel boxes (filing cabinets) putting them into cardboard boxes which will then be taken to another floor – where I will take said files out of the cardboard boxes and put them steel boxes. Somebody remind me again exactly why I went to college – it wasn’t to learn how to do this I can tell you. My hands hurt, my back hurts and I’m tired and cranky.

Still it’s got to be better than being in the White House these days.

Aide: Here you go. (Drops blue bag on desk – bag makes clanking sounds).
Clerk: what the hell is this?
Aide: What the hell does it look like? It’s a bag of empty beer cans – get rid of it before someone sees it.
Clerk: yes sir. (Looks in bag) Schlitz? Schlitz?
Aide: Yes it’s Schlitz and get a janitor up here.
Aide turns and walks down the hall to the door to the oval office. He sighs, rolls his eyes up to heaven then he knocks on the door.
Aide: Sir?
There is no answer.
Aide: Sir? (Knocks again0
W: (From inside) Go away! No like! Hate all! You take Donald from me!
Aide: Sir I understand you’re upset. But it had to be done, you see…
W: Donald love me more than daddy do. .
Aide (to himself) oh sweet mother of Jesus not this again, (To W -) Sir the American people...
W: Hate American people. They wrong. Donald right. Hate. Hope they die.
Aide: Sir don’t make me call your mother.
Long silence.
Aide: Are you going to behave now?
W: (very slowly) Yes.
Aide; Very good – now the new speaker of the House will be coming to meet you later – If you even think of flinging something unpleasant at her there will be no boom boom tape for two weeks. Understand, two weeks no boom boom.
W: (very slowly) Understand.
Adie walks down hall. When he gets to clerks desk he stops to rub his eyes.
Clerk: Sir?
Aide: nothing, I have just a bitch of a headache, could you get me a large glass of scotch and some aspirin? I have to see about Carl.
Clerk: Where is Carl? It’s been days.
Aide: He’s in the pit.
Clerk: With?
Aide: Babs.
Clerk: Oh my god.
Aide: Not to worry Gary’s there to make sure she doesn’t kill him.

Ah horrible horrible fantasies – violence and stupidity, it all comes so easily to me. Why not happy ones of love, friendship, fulfillment and success and making love to beautiful women? I don’t know, seems to be how I’m wired. Not only is the glass half empty, but the water is evaporating in the sun.

The killer sheep musical is still whirling in my head – as best I can tell now (I'm not in compete control of the process) – the denouncement of the play will be the revelation that the Killer sheep and the robots are the result of the same Person – who is trapped in the bar with the rest of the patrons.

“Why sheep?”
“It’s what I had to work with.”
"And why two legs?"
"So they could to hold weapons."
“And the robots?”
“I was trying to do something about the sheep okay? Yes they were a mistake but give me a break I was trying.”
“And the Aliens?”
“What aliens?”

And so good night.
Coming up thoughts on the Ramones.


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