Tuesday, October 24, 2006


I’m back from the wedding of The Enemy Below and the Insect Girl – I would like to be able to thrill you with sordid tales of my weekend of debauchery and wild sex fueled only by trail mix, rum and gin but I’d be lying. It was a lovely ceremony and reception and they looked very happy together. I’m honored to have been one of the wedding party.

The only real problem was that the wedding was held on the beach and it was oh about 170 degrees there. It was the hottest Oct 22 on record in Clearwater and the Groom the best man and I were dressed in tuxes – we were simply pouring sweat by the time the pictures and the ceremony were finished.

Had a great time at the gig – thanks to all the members of the Voyeurs and their fans for hanging around. And thanks to Robin for not pulling the plug on us when we started doing Someone Else. I love doing that song when people have never heard it before. Goes along oh so lovely and sad and mournful and then bang – there’s a pie to the face. Got the bass player on the Voyeurs to do a spit take twice during that song.

After the gig – Robin - bless her heart - said maybe we should explain where the songs are coming from before we perform them, specially mentioning “Ode to A Glock” – the idea being we wouldn’t make people as nervous. I’ll take it under consideration but well, part of us is, yes there is the joke, that this guy is waiting a week for his hand gun, and that the way it was done is like so many other folk songs, but there are people like this out there – like for real, so a getting little nervous is not unreasonable response.

It looks like the company will not be bought for now – good news bad news stuff – since they will keep looking for a buyer and there are some other things they want to do. So now we get to wait for a different shoe to drop – i.e. when the layoffs come. It’s the brave new world where you’re pretty much screwed no matter what you do.

One thing – whoever designed the automatic check in interface for U.S. Airways is an idiot. When ever I’ve used the automatic check in for other airlines or even Amtrak I d just pop the card I used to pay into the slot and the information would pop right up. Not a US Air – first I had to type my last name and then – the flight number – which pissed me off no end – what the hell do I look like a travel agent? Never mind that Expida said it was a United Airlines flight – there is some deal between United and US Air which not working in the travel industry I knew nothing about. Then they started in on seat assignments – again what the hell? When did this become my job? The end result of this gibberish was that instead of the automatic check in making life easier for everyone (which I should think is the idea yes?) check in at the US Air Terminal was a mob scene - a complete confused clusterfuck with nobody knowing what to do, the attendants sullen, people panicking cause airlines over book and there might not be enough seats and me just barely restraining myself from getting into a slanging match with the attendants – who, even as a New Yorker, struck me as staggeringly rude. But they are being punished; they have to work in Tampa Airport dealing with people like me. That is enough.

I wanted to do more but work is getting in the way. Amazing how while you aren’t very important while you are there, you leave and it turns out everything depends on you. I was greeted by stacks of paper and e-mails galore. Would that my social life was this full.

Plans apace for drummer, press kit and recording – we want to do it as right as we can so it’s gonna take some time to get her out.


Diana Rigg picture – cause I want one.

Tomorrow – maybe – King Kong lives. Plan to watch it tonight but I might have to turn it off if hurts my brain too much.


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