Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Midlife or Maybe Ennui and Prid Pro Quo

Well this isn’t what I want.

I guess everybody gets like that from time to time, hell I’m sure even Mick Jagger had a moment or two when he thought – “you know, just being a teacher at a small college somewhere, wife two kids summers off – that would be the life not this damn 24 hour a day 7 day a week freak show my life if these days.”

Fuck that – there is no way in hell Jagger ever thought that.

But Jagger aside and maybe Lemmey Kilmster we all have that as we get to certain age and feel that paths not taken are now shut off to us.

Also there is the frustration that it took me so long to find all this. I love the band I’m; I’m fulfilling so many dreams that I didn’t even dare speak aloud and I’ve played at the knitting factory for Pete’s sake… how cool is that.

Still I just get frustrated thinking – damn – all those years - but I have to be honest and admit that I wouldn’t be quite as well balanced and quite as centered – I may right now be a huge bag o’ neurosis and self doubt but baby you should have seen me years ago. So all things in their time.


Anyway it seems that Robot Monkey Butt Sex is becoming the new hit of set – I’ll put that down to the chorus and Trafalgar’s utterly wonderful diva turn at the end of the song.

Pretty good set at the Trash Bar a little rust and we had two new songs in the set but over all nice set. We have a few sound goofs – mostly from a microphone giving out but we handled it like the true pros we are – we’re not paid like tru pros but we are still true pros . And as Hunter Thompson (and lord do we miss him) said – “when the going get’s weird, the weird turn pro”

Looking forward to playing there again – there is an interesting feature there were at the shows there is an open bar from 8-9 – we went on at 9 pm which gave us a very interesting audience mood. I’m eager to go back with a bigger crowd – we could work up some epic craziness if we put out mind to it.

Speaking of epic craziness – there is the economy – where after being told for months – I mean months things are okay that this is all in our mind, that the market has hit bottom well, things started to fall apart – so much so that the Treasury Secretary has proposed a bail out fund of 700 Billion dollars.

That’s bad enough but the way the bill read was that the $700 Billion would be spent at the treasury Secretary’s discretion alone without any over sight or restrain from congress or the courts.

Guys I don’t think Nero had that much power. Bad enough we are probably going to have to bail these greed crazed mf’s in some manner – the risk of a global down turn on the level of 1929-33 is great enough to require something be done but a blank check for 700 billion? Of our money? To be given to wall street? Without a single quid or pro quo?

Not only no but hell no!

Fortunately it seems that enough folks – including one Chris Dodd are for modifying the proposal a bit or more than a bit. The Bush folks have reacted like one expects ‘No no! no! We’re on fire! Must give us money! No Questions! No!”

And so – still the last time we listened to this we ended up to our armpits in sand in Iraq and wondering what the hell went wrong since all those very important people said things would be fine.

And these are the same people.

They couldn’t be trying to railroad us again would they?

Nah. Never happen they are such a serious bunch of pink skinned men in suits.

Peace Love “Prid pro quo Clarice”

No chance to comment on McCain’s sudden carreen – I think this is why the press liked him you weren’t sure what the hell he was going to do – this is not exactly the kind of personality trait you like to see in a possible president. Still as Obama said “A president has to be able to do more than one thing at the same time.”


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